Thursday, April 30, 2009
Our Girl in Havana!

I love to travel. I’ve been going to one place or another since I was very young. My parents are quite wealthy, so we always went on exotic holidays. Latterly I’ve been going away with friends, usually twice a year, sometimes more, when money and time allow.
Last summer I was in Havana . Yes, I was. What a fascinating place it is, full of life, of music, of dance, of sex…and of danger. The American embargo-a great error of judgement-has kept the place preserved in a kind of time-loop, somewhere in the early 1960s. Everywhere there are cars, American classic cars, fashionable over fifty years ago, that somehow have been kept going. The city itself, large parts of it, are crumbling, as if just emerging from a war or a great natural disaster. The old city-Habana Vieje-is still in reasonably good condition, as are large parts of the more affluent suburbs, but the intermediate core, and areas along the Malecon, are in a fairly dire state.
I was there with some girlfriends from university. We stayed in the old city, in a hotel called Ambos Mundos, a wonderful eccentric pink palace, where Ernest Hemingway lived briefly in the 1930s. His room-511, I think-is still preserved as a museum.
As always I tried to get to know the local people; but it’s not easy. The grey-shirted police are everywhere, absolutely everywhere, and they clearly have instructions to intervene when local people, other than those in the tourist industry, engage with visitors. There also, it seems to me, on the basis of some superficial observations, to be a racial element in this process. It always seemed to be the case that if we talked to black boys, or were with black boys, the police were quick to intervene. I was sitting with a guy in Parque Central, opposite the Hotel Inglaterra, when the police appeared and took him away. Yes, with virtually no explanation. I tried to intervene, but my Spanish simply is not good enough, and they speak too fast, so I was left helpless.
But I will not be put off by things like that; I simply got more careful. We did make contacts, in bars and clubs, with some really cool people. It was because of this that I was able to go to a Santeria gathering. It was in an old building, a real warren, in terrible condition, and full, really full, of people. The ceremony itself was held in a large room, with an alter at one end, consisting of various figures, Catholic saints and the representation of West African gods. There were drummers and people were drinking rum and dancing. The whole thing was so strange, like nothing I’ve ever experienced, really energetic, really wild. One woman went into a trance, undergoing a kind of possession.
I should stress that I do not believe any of this was put on for my benefit. ! paid nothing, part from a small offering we made to the saints and gods. I had so much rum, and I was dancing so wildly myself, that I could feel that I was being absorbed, if that makes sense, into the group and into the moment; as if I was losing all sense of myself.
I did not go back to the hotel that night: I stayed and I slept with a beautiful guy called Jorge. :-))
Osculum Infame, or Kiss my Devilish Arse!

Now here is something about a form of satanic worship you may never have heard of, unless you have any knowledge of the history of witchcraft. You will know, of course, that that the Black Mass, as commonly conceived, is a perversion of the Catholic rite. Throughout the high Middle-Ages people, mostly women, accused of witchcraft were also charged taking part in a form of Devil worship known as the Sabbat. As part of this they were said to have performed a ritual greeting known in Latin as the osculum infame-literally the ‘kiss of shame.’ What this meant was that the witches lined up to greet Satan, either by kissing his backside or, more intimately, kissing his anus!
When I first came across a reference my reaction was what the hell would Satan need an anus for, when I remembered a passage in one of Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales where sinners-senior clerics mostly-are taken in at one end and ejected at the other!
Anyway, the kiss was seen not just as an act of adoration and submission but a perversion of the kiss of peace performed in the Catholic Mass. One can find loads of contemporary illustrations showing witches performing the osculum.
Hey, there are some things a girl will not do!
The Witches of Warboys

I’m going to tell a story that those who are familiar with the Salem Witch Hunt might find eerily familiar. In many ways it probably reveals the consistent underpinning to mass witch persecutions; that the accusations were without objective proof; that the accusers were often children; that hysteria spread to more and more ‘victims’; that the spectacle of the ‘collective fit’ was one of the features of the trial.
Anyway, the setting is the village of Warboys in the county of Huntingdonshire in the fen district of the east of England. The date is 1593. Three members of the same family stand accused of witchcraft: Alice Samuel, John, her husband, and Agnes, her daughter.
Now standing on trial for their lives, the accusations against Alice and her family date back to 1589, when Robert Throckmorton and his family moved into the local manor house. Throckmorton was very well-connected, numbering one Sir Henry Cromwell, one of the wealthiest commoners in England, amongst his friends. The Samuels, in contrast, were among the meanest of the ‘mean folk’; poor, badly educated and with nothing at all in the way of social influence.
Not long after the family had settled in the village, Jane Throckmorton, Robert’s nine-year-old daughter, fell ill. Her symptoms are described in the only source of information we have about the events that followed, a pamphlet published three years after the trail, entitled, The most strange and admirable discoverie of the three Witches of Warboys, arraigned, convicted, and executed at the last Assizes at Huntington, for the bewitching of the five daughters of Robert Throckmorton Esquire, and divers other persons, with sundrie Divellish and grievous torments,
“About the 10th of November in the year 1589 Mistress Jane, one of the daughters of the said Master Throckmorton being near the age of 10 years [she was in fact 9 years and 3 months] fell upon a sudden into a strange kind of sickness of body, the manner whereof was as followeth. Sometimes she would sneeze very loud and thick for the space of half an hour together, and presently as one in a great trance or swoon lay quietly as long; soon after she would begin to swell and heave up her belly so as none was able to bend her or keep her down; sometimes she would shake one leg and no other part of her, as if the palsey had been in it, sometimes the other; presently she would shake one of her arms, and then the other, soon after her head, as if she had been infected with the running palsey.”
The sickness was believed to be epilepsy, until Jane accused seventy-six year old Alice Samuel of bewitching her. Soon after this other children in the area started to show the same hysterical symptoms in a chain reaction, blaming the same source for their afflictions. Now a conflict began, between the powerful Throckmortons, on the one hand, and the disempowered Samuels, on the other.
The Throckmortons were aided by Lady Cromwell, wife of Sir Henry, who arrived at the manor in early 1590 on a visit. She, too, accused Alice of witchcraft, taking a lock of the old woman’s hair by force and ordering it to be burned, a folk remedy to weaken a witch’s power. In anger Alice is alleged to have said, “Madam, why do you use me thus? I never did you harm as yet.” It was this ‘as yet’ that was to prove fatal for Alice in the end. That same night Lady Cromwell had nightmares about Alice, later falling ill, finally dying in July, 1592.
After this the accusations, which tended to come and go, became more hysterical than ever, with the children now accusing Alice of the death of Lady Cromwell. The matter finally came to the attention of the Bishop of Lincoln. In April 1593 Alice and her family were finally tried on a charge of witchcraft and murder. The author of the pamphlet claims that some five hundred people were in attendance. As at Salem a hundred years later the children provided a dramatic chorus of accusation. Joan Throckmorton, Jane’s older sister, spoke of spirits named Blue, Pluck, Catch and Smack sent by Alice to control her fits. She was aided by the chorus, who all broke down into a collective fit. Alice’s words to Lady Cromwell were also cited as evidence. All three were found guilty and hanged.
The irony here is that Lady Cromwell was the grandmother of Oliver Cromwell, who was to inflict a greater curse on England, exercising far more malign power than had ever been at the disposal of poor Alice Samuel.
A recent announcement on X JAPAN's official website, as well as on SUGIZO's blog has stated that he will join the legendary rock and metal group as their formal sixth member, following several appearances as a support guitarist in the absence of late X member hide. SUGIZO will continue his role as a solo artist, as well as any future plans of LUNA SEA and Juno Reactor. Posting on his blog, he details his thoughts on joining, and why he's made the decision now, stating in an excerpt "Right now, X JAPAN requires SUGIZO as its sixth member, and I want to respectfully fulfill their needs."
edoh : mm, more xjapan. I had a feeling Sugizo was looming around the corner.
JaME : Contest to win goods =O
And don't forget to keep checking back, we still have more goods to give away!
Every part of the JaME's 5th Anniversary's contest gives you the opportunity to win different goods each time, all of them autographed by the contributing artists.
The following artists contributed the prizes for this part of the contest:
D'espairsRay - Autographed poster
abingdon boys school - Autographed poster (x5)
Aoi - Autographed poster (x3)
INORAN - Autographed poster (x5)
Versailles -Philharmonic Quintet- - Autographed Photobook
Matenrou Opera - Autographed Calendar (x3)
School Food Punishment : Futuristic Imagination PV
Higashi no Eden ED [Eden of the East] credits to DarkRaghe
School Food Punishment - Futuristic Imagination (Higashi no Eden Ed.) credits to chencho237
Welcome the new mod : RxChaxl !
but now even youtube has caught up with it and banned her account [?] o_o, now I need to find someone else to look out for video wise o_o
VAMPS : Life on mars? [preview]
the video has nothing to do with the video i think:
Life on Mars? -David (Bowie) credits to AdArmand
Gackt : Naked? Well, not him.
2.My Father's Day
3.小悪魔ヘヴン (Instrumental)
4.My Father's Day (Instrumental)
Uhm, so for the sake of people including myself having ordered these singles, I am kind of hoping this is some kind of sick joke xD But being that it is Gackt, you never know when he takes his stuff seriously or not.
Some of (APPEARANTLY) new single covers have been released. I think no more words are needed,
If you stared at it long enough, it moves. ->
1.Faraway ~星に願いを~
2.Oblivious ~顔のない天使~
3.Faraway ~星に願いを~ (Instrumental)
4.Oblivious ~顔のない天使~ (Instrumental)
「Lost Angels」
1.Lost Angels
2.No Reason
4.Lost Angels (Instrumental)
5.No Reason (Instrumental)
6.Suddenly (Instrumental)
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Edoh& Doodle Show and tell
This is me being an idiot with maaka with a flower on my head =o
this was a picture i drew for my friend... im the one holding the cookie and XiS is the dinosaur and haidro is the whale man.
This is my show and tell and i hope you enjoyed it. =O
A Queen for All Seasons

Poor Jane; a woman for all seasons...and none. A plaything for her time, and a plaything for posterity. There is not really enough material to construct a proper, source-based, biography, but that has not stopped people filling the gaps with the fruits of imagination.
The story begins with Elizabethan ballads, a tale of innocence betrayed. In one Jane, in denouncing her executioner declares "For Popery I hate as death/and Christ my saviour love." Jane is now not only an innocent but a martyr to the Protestant cause, and appears as such in Foxe's Book of Martyrs. She was also idealised in another way by Roger Ascham as noble and scholarly, on no certain evidence, it has to be said. But the greatest Elizabethan tribute to her came in Thomas Chaloner's Elegy, published in 1579. Here she is peerless in her learning and beauty, comparable only with Socrates for her courage and quiet resignation in the face of death. He even suggests that she was pregnant at the time of her execution, an assertion that appears nowhere else, presumably to make Mary, the great villain of the piece, appear all the more heartless.
From martyrology and poetry, Jane finally made it on to the stage in the early Jacobean period in Lady Jane by John Webster and Thomas Dekker, where she and takes on the role of a tragic lover. This theme was taken up later in the century by Joan Banks, a Restoration playwright in his Innocent Usurper: or, the Death of Lady Jane Grey. Here Jane is only persuaded to accept the crown after her husband, Lord Guilford Dudley, threatens to commit suicide if she does not. And if you believe that you will believe anything! First performed after the Glorious Revolution, there is also a strong anti-Catholic dimension to Bank's play, which must have appealed to the audiences of the day.
More plays and poems followed in the eighteenth century, when a small Janeite industry began to take shape. In the early Hanoverian period she takes on the role of political heroine as well as martyr, scholar and tragic lover, putting down her Plato and taking up the crown only to save English Protestantism. Her popularity as a subject for tragic romance increased even further in the nineteenth century, an age of mass printing, where her story appears in a variety of media, including popular magazines and children's books.
Jane's growing reputation, it's worth stressing, was not just a popular phenomenon. Gilbert Burnet, Whig historian and self-publicist, described Jane, with considerable exaggeration, as 'the wonder of the age' in his History of the Reformation, a phrase subsequently taken up by Oliver Goldsmith his History of England, published in 1771. Even the sober and unromantic David Hume was seduced by the tragedy of Jane and Dudley. It was not until the early nineteenth century that John Lingard, a Catholic historian, ventured a word or two of counter-adulation, saying that she 'liked dresses overmuch', and reminding her promoters that she was only sixteen.
She was recast time and again to suit the inclinations of her audience. After the French Revolution the new evangelist movement alighted on her as a symbol, marked not for her romance but for her piety. In 1828 The Lady's Monitor declared that she inherited "every great, every good, every admirable quality, whether of mind, disposition, or person." Remarkably the radical thinker and philosopher William Godwin wrote his own hagiography of Jane under a pseudonym, though this owed less to his admiration for her virtues and more to his need for ready cash! For Godwin ( or, rather, for Theopilius Marcliffe!) she was "the most perfect young creature of the female sex to be found in history." Enter Mrs Godwin stage right!
And so it went on, right into the twentieth century, when Jane finally made it on to the screen in Tudor Rose directed by Robert Stevenson, which appeared in the States as Nine Days a Queen. Once again Mary is the cold-blooded fanatic, while Jane and Dudley are the tragic lovers. More recently the nine-day-queen appeared as Lady Jane, staring Helena Bonham Carter and directed by Trevor Nunn, a romance set against the political intrigues of the day.
Jane is now beyond history. She belongs to legend, the stuff of which dreams are made on.
The Voodoo Pantheon

The pantheon consists of a varied and fascinating set of figures, combining elements of West-African deities and Catholic saints.
Maman Brigitte, as I have said, is the wife of Baron Samedi. Like her husband she has the power to save those hexed to the brink of death. She also likes to dance, in a highly sexual and provocative fashion.
Legba is the master of passageways, one who has the power to open the door between the natural and the supernatural worlds. Depicted as a crippled wanderer, he is also known as Papa la Bas. As with other voodoo spirits he can be both benevolent and malign. He can show the way to the lost or he can loose them still deeper.
Damballah, or La Grande Zombie, is the supreme snake deity and master of the sky, given to represent creation out of chaos. Represented by a snake biting its own tail, Damballah also represents the dualities of death and rebirth, sickness and health, and male and the female forces. His wife is Ayida Wedo, a rainbow spirit.
Marasa or The Twins represent the union of day and night, earth and sky. The Twins are also known as the Marasa Three, representing love, truth and justice. They are also associated with birth and children.
Erzulie Dantor is the dark-skinned, matriarchal Love Goddess, most often represented by the Black Madonna. She dresses completely in red and smokes unfiltered Camels! But, notwithstanding this small vice, Erzulie Dantor is the voodoo equivalent of the Virgin Mary.
Ogou is the warrior sprit and the god of steel and iron. Considered to be of great strength, he is invoked not just in war but in all sorts of physical and legal battles. It was Ogou who is believed to have led the Haitian slaves to victory in their War of Independence.
Zaka, or the Farmer, the god of agriculture, is depicted as a machete-wielding peasant, who is usually shown wearing denim and a red scarf.
Agwe, the Master of the Sea, provides protected passageway through water.
Djab, or the Wild Spirits, are entities summoned by means of ritual, becoming the dedicated servants of a houngan-a priest-or a mambo-a priestess. They have a magical rather than a religious purpose. People will apply to a houngan or mambo to invoke their particular djab to take revenge on enemies or business competitors.
Over an above all of these deities and spirits stands Gran Met, the one God, all powerful and all knowing, but essentially remote and distant from human affairs. The Iwa, or lesser entities, offer a far more immediate presence, again recalling the function of the saints in Catholicism.
Baron Samedi

Baron Samedi, also known as Baron La Croix, the Loa or spirit of the dead in Haitian voodoo. A laughing, dancing, cane-wielding and foul-mouthed skeleton, he is most often depicted wearing a top hat and a cloak. The Baron also has other attributes, being the Loa of sex and resurrection. I find it of particular interest that the Haitians have linked sex, death and resurrection in a trinity.
So, there Samedi stands at a crossroads, where the souls of the dead pass on their way to Guinee, the final resting place, perhaps recalling Guinea in West Africa, from where many of the original slaves who created the voodoo tradition came, and where they hoped to return. Standing a little like Osiris in Egyptian mythology, Samedi is the judge of the dead; it is only with his permission, and guidance, that they can pass on to Guinee.
He is by far the most powerful of the voodoo spirits, at one and the same time a benevolent and dangerous force, who’s magic can offer protection or destruction, depending on his mood. He is responsible for both the procreation of the living-he is sometimes symbolised by a phallus-and the putrefaction of the dead. As a last resort he is invoked to help those driven to the point of death by malign magic. They will not die if the Baron refuses to ‘dig their grave.’
Given over to exchanging bawdy jokes with other spirits, including Maman Brigitte, his wife, the Baron also enjoys smoking cigars and drinking rum, which are almost invariably included among the offerings to the spirit made by his devotees. It is as well to keep on the good side of the dark Baron; for if one does not he may decide to dig one’s grave too early And if he is in a really foul mood, well you probably know as much about zombies as I do!
PSC: Peace & Smile Carnival 2009 Live Shots.

A few live videos from PSC's Peace and Smile Carnival, which took place at Nippon Budokan on 3rd January 2009, to commemorate their 10 years of success.
Credit to Uchihaltachi18.
Alice Nine- Velvet.
ScReW- Vegas.
The GazettE- Leech.
SuG- Love Scream Party.
Kagrra,- Utakata.
Other videos from the concert can be found on Youtube :33 It looks well worth the buy tbh.
Off topic : CRAZY CUTE - Maru the box cat
まるです。 credits to mugumogu
I brought up cat grass for Maru.
Hey Maru! How about the taste?
Maru:[ Very good! ]
SID : USO [Lies]
Buy here@ cdjapan:
| Uso [w/ DVD (Type A), Limited Edition / Type A] SID CD | Release: 2009/04/29 | within 1-4 days following release 1619yen (US$ 16.59) | |
| Uso [w/ DVD (Type B), Limited Edition / Type B] SID CD | Release: 2009/04/29 | within 1-4 days following release 1619yen (US$ 16.59) | |
| Uso [Regular Edition] SID CD | Release: 2009/04/29 | within 3-7 days 1190yen (US$ 12.20) | |
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
SuG : Beatrock☆Love
While the band's major debut almost get decided, Shin refused the offer without other member's permission. Other members wrap themselves up in suspicion. In such circumstance, they plan to take part in music contest, which the winner can debut and get tie-up work with TV. Members practice hard and aim to win the first place, however . . .
Special Features: event footage (subject to change) [edoh... LOL?!]
SuG Takeru: BeatRock ☆ Love! Trailer 「ビートロック★ラブ」 credits to midorcia
Love Diving - Shout it loud PV credits to EienNoSetsuna
Buy at cdjapan:
| Beat Rock Love (Title subject to change) [Regular Edition] Japanese Movie Release: 2009/06/17 | DVD | ships on the release date 3800yen |
| Beat Rock Love (Title subject to change) [Special Edition] Japanese Movie Release: 2009/06/17 | DVD | ships on the release date 5700yen |
| Beat Rock Love Navigate DVD Japanese Movie (Navigate DVD) Release: 2009/02/18 | DVD | within 3-5 days 2800yen |
List of films with Jrockers:
An Cafe Bonds - An Cafe
Bunraku - Gackt
Last quarter - Hyde
Moon Child - Gackt & Hyde
Number Six Movie- Alice Nine
Oresama - Miyavi
[tell me ones I've missed out]
Jrock UK Blog : Over one year?!
My very first post started way back in 25/01/08 because I wanted to make a website, but being too poor to actually BUY the damn thing, I ended up creating this blog instead.
I'm still unsure why the hell I decided to make a "Jrock" blog as I knew there were already alot of other existing ones... Ones which had a base of many readers already. Its crazy right? But its been very fun posting about what I love, being able to shared it and finding friends who enjoy and are interested in the same things.
mmmm, I can still taste last nights KFC. LULWHUT -->
To the regular readers, thankyou for reading and sometimes putting up with the ranting. For the new readers, welcome to the land of hell. My name is edohsama, and Im going to steal your soul and replace it with a raisin cookie.
I'd like to thank all the existing and past mods, XiS, Hairdoshru, Maka, Vinsetsu, Kurisu, Shugo2b, and the brand new mod, RxChaxl which have helped me this pass year.