Tuesday, April 21, 2009

100% Genki tour 2009 UK

The 100% Genki tour takes place over 10 days in May 2009, and will introduce contemporary Japanese acts to the UK. International audiences have demonstrated a growing interest in Japan's music, and a wealth of talented artists exists in the burgeoning domestic scene, spanning the entire musical spectrum - from punk to electronica, from techno to ska. Young Japanese bands, producers, singers and DJs have their own unique sense of direction and style, due in part to the unique position of the country - increasingly immersed in Western culture, but still removed, culturally as well as geographically.

The tour is organised by the music promoter Smash, and the music charity Strummerville. Smash have been organising concerts in Japan since 1984, and produce the annual Fuji Rock Festival. Strummerville is a registered charity set up by the friends and family of Joe Strummer in the year after his death, which aims to create new opportunities for aspiring musicians. Strummerville supports Fuji Rock festival's riotous “Rookie-a-go-go” stage, offering financial support to the unsigned bands who play

Tour dates

Bringing a taste of Japan’s exciting music scene to a UK audience, the tour will take in 4 of the UK’s best, most cutting-edge festivals.

Date City Event Venue
Friday 15th May Brighton The Great Escape various
Saturday 16th May Brighton The Great Escape various
Sunday 17th May Manchester Futuresonic festival Night & Day
Tuesday 19th May London Strummerville party Under The Westway, W.London
Thursday 21st May London Stag & Dagger festival The Queen of Hoxton, E.London
Friday 22nd May Liverpool Liverpool Sound City tbc

For any further information about the above dates, please get in touch.

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