Sunday, April 12, 2009

ALiBi : Yellow Banana Surfing/ Blue Berry Pie / Red Cherry Pie

LUL whut? Food obsession?
Actually, each single name seems to relate to the colour of their hair :S
Anyways, seems like ALibi are going to be busy bunnies n_n Going to release THREE singles in three months!

Red Cherry Pie
Is going to be released on the 01/07/09 and the release includes 1 track.

Blue Berry Pie
will be out on the 05/07/09 and will also have one track.

Last but not least

Yellow Banana Surfing
is going to be out on 02/09/09 and have one track.

I presume each track for each release is going to be named after it... so not too hard to guess. I wonder what the PV will look like xD Food involved?

Pre-order now at CD Japan :

Yellow Banana Surfing Yellow Banana Surfing
CD | Release: 2009/09/02
ships on the release date(Initial pressing)
(US$ 6.89)
Add to Wish List
Blue Berry Pie Blue Berry Pie
CD | Release: 2009/08/05
ships on the release date(Initial pressing)
(US$ 6.89)
Add to Wish List
Red Cherry Pie Red Cherry Pie
CD | Release: 2009/07/01
ships on the release date(Initial pressing)
(US$ 6.89)
Add to Wish List

Official ALiBi site :

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