Thursday, April 16, 2009

Offtopic : LUL worthy spam

Today i got this piece of crap of a scam... heres how it went...
Dear Friend. [friend? I dont know who the fuck you are. Least know my name you fool]

I am Mr Ahmed Komo the account officer in charge of Auditing section Bank in
the Group Bank of African (B.O.A)[ORLY? Bank of AFRICAN? not africa?],I need your
urgent assistance intransferring the sum of ( $15.5 million immediately to your
account.[wheres the other bracket? here ya go ")" OH WAIT. YOU WANT TO PUT 15 mill
into my account?! no way!]
I willsend you full details on how the business will be
executed [business? ...i thought you just have to give me mon--]and also note
that you will have 40% of the above mentioned amount if you agree to help me
execute this business. reply me urgent. [i repli yuu uhgent!]

Best Regards.
Ahmed Komo.

So yeh... becareful of scammers, if you for some unknown reason; "won money from the lottery", have people giving you money [of any amount], have people coming after you bank deatils of any sort its most likey a scam. This goes for both phones and internet, though phonecalls are harder to tell...

And never reply to scammers thinking that you're very witty.

Learn more here

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