Friday, April 10, 2009

Miyavi : English Translation of his x-day confessions

I finally got to Houston !!

It took almost 15 hours via San Francisco...
It's so nice and clear but somewhat chilly at night time~.


So anyways,
Let me write the last blog over in English.

Yesterday, April 8th 2009,
I officially started my new company, J-glam Inc.

Also, the new Miyavi style site "" will soon be launched,
so even if it's just one step at a time, we are moving forward surely.

In the meantime, I'll be posting here in two languages, Japanese and English.
(Thanks to the people who translated and helped to deliver it to everyone)

Also, allow me to formally report to you all.

As of March 14, 2009,
I got married with melody.

And this summer, our baby will be born.

Yeah,I'm gonna be a dad !!
(Who can believe it?)

Including the media reports, to all fans and everyone involved,
we are deeply sorry for all the trouble we may have caused.

This time, during the process of deciding to have a family,
I realized and re-learned a lot of things that I hadn't thought about in a while, like
the importance of facing others, and the precious value of love for my friends and family, and of course including you guys.

Just as everybody has the equal right to love and to be loved,
I think that happiness shouldn't only belong to just the two of us.

I think what would make us really happy is
if we can create a family and home in which we can
share our happiness with others around us.

And to melody.'s fans,
Thank you so much for your warm support.
And please, I hope you continue to support her in the future.

I sincerely wish that she continues to jump forward,
not just as a mother of a child, but as a woman,
overflowing with hope throughout her life.

Though I was trying to be a swank rock artist perhaps always going beyond my limits till now,
I sincerely want to change my nature and throw myself into my work,
and as a man, I swear to protect my family all throughout my life.

And as a partner and companion of an artist everyone of you supported,
I will do the best I can to become a man you will all approve of.

And to all Co-Miyavi,

I'm sorry, and thank you.


Since I came up to Tokyo from where I lived when I was 17 years old,
I've been like a selfish child and doing what I wanted,
But I'm gonna be a dad from now on.

Even if there are more things I have to protect and carry with me,
and even if some hard times ahead are inevitable,
the "I LOVE YOU" I yelled out on the world tour last year is still clear and cloudless.

No matter what people will say,
As the artist 雅-miyavi-, i will continue to yell that out as always.

As the Head Representative of J-glam Inc., I think I have many incompetent points,
but I'd appreciate it if you'd warmly and kindly support and watch over us.

J-glam Inc.
Takamasa Ishihara

BTW i ran into some of my fans around the hotel
Hope you guys enjoy the show !!




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