Monday, March 30, 2009
MIYAVI : First time he met Melody
Miyavi meet Melody first time1
Miyavi meet Melody first time 2
Miyavi meet Melody first time 3
...and something more lighthearted
Hyde confesses to dating Megumi--sort of... credits to kumikomishitate
AN CAFE : Hits Finnish Charts!!
Edoh : ... the hell with the world today?
Raise your hand if you saw AN CAFE when they performed in Finland!! How was the show?
March 17th and 18th they played in Finland, then moved on to play in Stockholm on the 19th. While in Scandinavia, their album "Harajuku Dance Rock" and DVD "Nyappy Go Around The World" made appearances on the Finnish and Swedish release ranking charts! How high did they go?
In Finland, "Harajuku Dance Rock" reached number four, whereas in peaking at #26 on the Swedish charts. The "Nyappy Go Around The World" DVD fared even better, reaching #1 on the Finnish charts and #5 in Sweden.
Congratulations, AN CAFE!!
If you haven't seen them yet, you still have a chance if you're in South America, Mexico, or the USA. Don't miss it!
Versailles -Philharmonic Quintet- will release their major debut single through Warner Music Japan on June 24th, titled ASCENDEAD MASTER. The single is described as six-minute epic and will be released in four different versions, three of which will come with a bonus DVD featuring a music video spanning over 15 minutes. This music video will come in three installments on the bonus DVD included with the limited editions, branded as types A through C, each of them including one installment of the movie.
Versailles was formed in March, 2007. Soon after they released promotional material on the Web, they received international media coverage and request to perform in the live stage. In 2008, they toured Europe and gave fantastic shows in five countries. Then, during their concert on March 26 of this year, they announced that they will be going to major this summer.
The single "ASCENDEAD MASTER" features 6 minutes A-side track. Limited edition includes a bonus DVD featuring a music video spanning over 15 minutes. This epic music video is to going to come in three installments on the bonus DVD included with the limited editions Type A, Type B, and Type C, each of them including one installment of the movie.
=> Versailles "ASCENDEAD MASTER - Limited Edition / Type A"
=> Versailles "ASCENDEAD MASTER - Limited Edition / Type B"
=> Versailles "ASCENDEAD MASTER - Limited Edition / Type C"
=> Versailles "ASCENDEAD MASTER - Regular Edition"
YUI : again, Full Metal Alchemist anime opening?
After stopping activities late last year, YUI has announced the release of a new single for June 3rd. Titled again, the single, her first in one year, will be used as the opening theme song for the anime "FULLMETAL ALCHEMIST" starting from April 5th and will be available in both CD and CD+DVD formats, although further details are currently unknown.
鋼の錬金術師 FULLMETAL ALCHEMIST OP YUI again credits to YUI4myLife
Miyavi: This time it's real MIYAVI IS MARRIED.
Well, my best wishes for them, and I hope Miyavi would be happy forever~
Haidroshru : IS THAT WHY HE BECAME ALL MELLOW?!!? because of that S***K?! [lol, theres alot of words with begin with s and end with k]
Already causing huge ripples in the Japanese music community as popular overseas representatives, rock musician miyavi and pop singer melody. have recently announced their marriage according to the website Sponichi. Atop this news, it is believed the pop star is pregnant with the newlywed couple's first child.
The unexpected news comes just after miyavi announced his departure from visual label PS COMPANY, setting foot into the music industry as an independent artist.
Both miyavi's official MySpace and melody.'s official MySpace offer comments on the news' premature leak to press sites, such as Sponichi and ZAKZAK. The official announcement from miyavi himself is expected to come at his April 5th concert at Hibiya Yagai Ongakudou.
Edoh : Hear this. HE IS MARR-IED, not marry-ing...when was this =_=;
Miyavi - Kekkonshiki no Uta PV credits to Gackt73
Thursday, March 26, 2009
credits to Onshuu
the GazettE : DISTRESS AND COMA comment
Kai Comment - BIGLOBE [3.25.2009]credits to xhiyu
Reita Comment - MSN MUSIC [3.25.2009] credits to xhiyu
Ruki Comment - GOO ONGAKU [3.25.2009] credits to xhiyu
Kai Comment - BARKS [3.25.2009] credits to xhiyu
edoh : thats strange... Kai did two and ...wheres Uruha?
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Edoh& What we get thru da' post yo....
An Cafe : Videos of London 2009 Gig @ O2
Thankyou and enjoy the memories to whoever came yesterday.
An cafe arrive London 24th March 2009 credits to 0oSawahakasarah0o
"It's not much but its An Cafe...they came out of the The Red Car tour bus. I think Yuuki wasnt wearing his wig. Kanon, Yuuki and Miku have their hoods up..but you can tell. Miku is wearing glasses ^^..at the end..you see Miku just put his arms up and did the nyappy sign at us. Teruki...you can see him clearly. I think thats Takuya next to him. This was around 11am?
hahha, before..me and a couple of poeple saw Miku walk out of the tour bus like probably not thinking there would be fans... and then he saw us and was like oh shit and walks back in the bus hahah (we just looked..like shocked..so we didnt say anything). I saw a glimpse of Teruki in the bus. I didnt take the video..coz we werent really expecting this hahah."
An Cafe London 2009 credits to emmagal
"Miku asks us if we prefer Paddington or Donald during Duck no Magical Adventure ^_^ he also asked if we liked London boys or An Cafe boys hehe."
An Cafe Speak English - London 2009 credits to NyappySeneko
An Cafe London 24th March 2009 NYAAAAPPPPY!!!!!! credits to NyappySeneko
Dir en Grey : Download Festival UK
Following announcements of their upcoming live schedule, Dir en grey will now be returning to the UK to perform at Download Festival. The festival will be held from June 12th to June 14th, although there has been no official announcement regarding the date on which Dir en grey will perform.
Further details regarding the current line-up, ticket prices etc. can be found at Download's official site.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Edoh& What you need if you are going to a J-Rock Gig
And people going there are not from Nickelodeon. [A guy in his mid fourties? was chatting to some kid on the phone in the queue and used it to describe the the people in line, lolololol. Oh, and btw im not a teenager. I'm Twenty.]
1. Thinking of queuing early?
Well thats all good, but be prepared you WILL definiately be bored out of your skull. Today I queued for 30mins and was right at the mid-end of the line. The people who were there two days ago was at the front obviously. I queued for 7 Hours in the sun in paris for L'arc en ciel. Worth it? Sure was. The experience of my skin next to a sweaty French lady in her 40's was...different and got burnt to my memory forever.
People do queue jump, especially if they have "Links" or "Connections" or are alone.
Be angry? sure.
But feel sorry for the lonely ones, and go ahead and make yourself some friends if you are at the back. [lololol, I'm not so lucky I suppose.] Oh! and dont be late! Gigs do give a 30min gap between the time it says on the ticket and the start but you dont want to miss anything now do you?
There are usually plenty of food shops around the venue, so don't need to bother about bringing lunch. Onto the next subject.
Don't do it. Larger meals can KILL you and you will regret ever doing so during the whole show. Today my I must have sicked in my mouth about 5 times, and it tasted like the Mc donalds I had an hour before. [tada!] I never learn right?
Drinking too much liquids means you'll need the toilet right? Dont drink too much. But please do hydrate yourself during and after. It gets pretty damn hot in there if you know what I'm saying. O2 Isslington [formaly known as Carling Academy Isslington London], usually hands out free water at the front of the crowd, there are bars at the side so you can ask for water, free of charge. Other venues in not too sure.
>>>Bring Bottle of water
3. Coats and Bags
Less baggage the better, its usual that the people who have nothing to put in the cloackroom would be right at the front of the crowd [where the band are]. You will get sweaty, no doubt about it.
>>>Wearing one layer is more than suffient [I meant top, please wear underpants and something over it]
Usually costs around £2 or sometimes free of charge. Some Venues require you to leave your camera behind and will give you a ticket for you to trade back after the show.

Well, normal people get kicked out of the show if security finds out. The people werent doing their jobs properly huh?
... Today there were two love birds standing right in front of me, both around 6 foot tall. They didnt dance either. Just stood there... and made out sometimes. Even to the fast songs.
...What, are people running out of hotel rooms to make out in? And the last resort is to come to some japanese dude's show full of people half your age? ... I think we need a word with the hotel peoplel dont you think?
D'espairsRay : France Gig
French tour organiser, Gekido Tours, has announced two performances of D'espairsRay in France. So far, a concert in Montpellier on July 11th and a concert in Paris on July 13th have been confirmed.
Gekido Tours mention that more concerts will be revealed soon, so keep an eye on JaME to see if D'espairsRay will be visiting your country!
Nightmare : Majestical Parade
Release date : 13/05/09.
Two versions, with or without a DVD, will be available. The cover art has not yet been released. =O
New album release from Nightmare including the songs "Lost in Blue," "NAKED LOVE," "MELODY (album version)" and more. This limited edition includes photo book and bonus DVD featuring music video for "Can you do it?"
Buy here @ Limited
Girugamesh : World tour, UK LONDON
Are you headed to Seattle in April to attend Sakuracon? If you are, you're probably well aware that one of the convention's guests of honour this year is visual-kei band girugamesh, who will be performing at some point during the 3-day convention that will begin April 10th.
In May the band heads to Europe, where they will play shows in Finland, Russia, Sweden, Germany, the United Kingdom, Paris and Spain. It has been announced that, in August and September, the band will play a six date tour between Osaka, Nagoya and Tokyo. The final two shows will be held September 1st and 2nd at Akasaka BLITZ.
musicJAPANplus can't wait to hear your reports on girugamesh's performances overseas this year. Be sure to fill us in!
Saturday, May 16 at 7:00 PM
at O2 Academy Islington, England - London
Plus guests / This show has a 10pm curfew / Under 21s require ID to purchase alcohol
Sunday, March 22, 2009
March 2009 Releases!
03/04 GPKISM - Atheos
03/04 Oz - Venom (Mediafire)
03/04 SEX MACHINE GUNS - Pride
03/04 MUCC - Kyutai
03/03 Ken - Deeper (Mediafire)
03/11 Dokuritsu Kokka ~ Ashe' - MIRROR ZONE
03/11 SMILE - Saigo no Wagamama
03/11 Kis&Nate - Traumerei
03/11 Irokui - Sakura Seven
03/11 M - Ningen Shikakku
03/11 Antic Cafe - Aroma (Mediafire)
03/11 Ap(r)il - Not A Beautiful World
03/11 VanessA - Alive=Terror
03/11 SIVA - Parvathi
03/11 D'espairsray - REDEEMER
03/11 12012 - Mar Maroon
03/14 DuBiouS - Toki no Itazura
03/18 Tokami - Invasion of Darkness
03/18 Awoi - Insomnia (Mediafire)
03/18 Panic Channel - THE LAST ~colors~
03/18 Panic Channel - THE LAST ~infinity~
03/18 ZORO - Playear
03/18 Heartless - Masquerade
03/18 Moran - Helpless (Mediafire)
03/18 Ageha Biscuits - Maho Tsukai Carrie
03/18 GallowS - Self: Introduction
03/18 E'm ~Grief~ - Daze
03/18 Clearveil - Re:born
03/18 BUCK TICK - Catalogue 1987 - 1995
03/25 Gackt - Journey Through the Decade
03/25 V.A. - Anamorphosis
03/25 Wizard - Kimi no Sekai
03/25 Vidoll - Esoteric Romance
03/25 Angelo - Usubeni no Kakera
03/25 the GazettE - DISTRESS AND COMA
03/25 Aicle - Shinzou
03/25 Megamasso - Bless
03/25 Matenro Opera - Acedia
03/25 Nightingeil - Nibui Oto
03/25 Byakura - Shizumu Kotodama
03/25 Arc - [F]Face
03/25 Dali - Mind Stripper
03/29 ALiBi - Rock Star
Not much at all yet but i'll update as soon as things are released
Credits to Onshuu, VScandal, Jbums & Rxchaxl!
the GazettE: Distress And Coma

1. Distress and Coma
2. Headache Man
3. Without a Trace
Credits & a huge thanks to Xtephen!
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Febraury 2009 Download list!
02/04 Chrome Shelled - yasashii uso
02/04 Dolly - toki no ressha
02/04 Lycaon - Ambrozia
02/04 Kra Life〜Today is very good day to Die〜
02/11 DI3SIRAE - Overindulge
02/11 himeichigo - re:alice
02/11 Jully - Identity
02/11 Straighteners - Nexus
02/14 9GOATS BLACK OUT - Black rain
02/14 ValettA - Zakuro (Mediafire)
02/18 Acid Black Cherry - Nemuri Hime
02/18 SectMa - Miss Crazy Diamond
02/18 LOVE DIVING - Shout It Loud
02/18 【_Vani;lla】 - baishoku keiki
02/18 LiZ - RAZOR
02/18 12012 - Hallelujah
02/18 Villain - ‐MAZE-
02/18 Vidoll - Puzzle Ring
02/18 SIVA - Kali
02/25 Abingdon Boys School - STRENGTH
02/25 ALSDEAD - S.a.g.A
02/25 Kasumi Shinjo - Re-name
02/25 otokage - hyakunen yoru sakura ninboujou
02/25 Merry - underworld (Each song is hosted separately)
02/25 D - Genetic World
02/25 Sadie - 『MASTER OF ROMANCE』
02/25 Aoi - MASQUERADE
02/25 Jewel - koukotsu tricolor (MediaFire)
02/25 NoGoD - gokusaishoku
02/25 XYXX - [em]evolution melody
02/25 born - -Abnormal Head Machine-
02/25 Nega - dig
02/25 Nega - ill
02/25 Juliette - Amoire Mozart no koi no shirabe
Credits to Onshuu, VScandal & Jbums, & thanks to Rxchaxl
Friday, March 20, 2009
the GazettE : DISTRESS AND COMA live @ music japan
Thursday, March 19, 2009
An Cafe : London World Tour 2009
Tuesday, March 24 at 7:00 PM
at O2 Academy Islington, England - London
Under 21s require ID to purchase alcohol / Under 14s must be accompanied by an adult over
18 at all times

1. Summer Dive
3. Kawaiyu's Rock
5. NYAPPY in the world 4 ~theme of Hannayaism~
7. Best Apart

2. It's Sad
3. Evergreen [Dist.]
4. Jesus Christ
5. Countdown
6. The Other Side
7. Shining Over You
8. Horizon
9. Season's Call
10. Sweet Vanilla
11. Hell.o
12. Hideaway
13. Prayer
14. Midnight Celebration
15. Unexpected [Dist.]
16. The Cape Of Storms
17. Glamorous Sky [English Ver.]
1. Jesus

2. OASIS (Gladiator special edition)
3. Mizerable (Gladiator special edition)
4. white eyes
5. Asrun Dream (Gladiator special edition)
6. 君のためにできること
7. 届カナイ愛ト知ッテイタノニ 抑エキレズニ愛シ続ケタ・・・
9. 君が待っているから (Gladiator special edition)
10. Dears (Gladiator special edition)
11. Kagero (Gladiator special edition)
Shugo: the Gackt album hasn't got any new songs, but its got a few new versions of older songs, together with some older ones that were rock enough to stay as they are, so if your a fan of Gackt i recommended it, especially the Special Edition of Mizerable & Kimi ni Aitakute. Im yet to listen to Hyde & An Cafes, but from the tracklist they look to be good.
DOG in THE Parallel World Orchestra : New band
aka [DOGinTheパラレルワールドオーケストラ]

3rd Clip: コラン
Official site : http://dog-lavo.com/disco.html
Edoh:the second guy! looks like Bou! o_O! is that you?! and oh yeh, everyone smokes in this band. lovely. just thought I'll let everyone know.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Gackt : Journey Through The Decade Full PV
Lolita23 / DaizyStripper / C4 : upcoming releases
Unfortunately, the release will only be sold through mail order and at live houses during their newest tour TOUR'09 [Marble_Shaking_Ward], which will start on the same day at OSAKA MUSE.
-Crocodile Vibration- will come with a total of three songs: the title-track, Kumikyoku~forgetis Sky~LOVE TRACE (ballad ver.) and a live version of IGNITER, a song from their first mini-album Pylebanker.
L'arc en Ciel : Parody on Minna no Terebi
credits to joakimh83
SuG : 39GalaxyZ PV Preview
releasing onm 04/15/2009
Edoh: it sounds very LMC like to me...
DaizyStripper- Dearest [Preview]
The video stops at 3:00. Sorry, I never realised =/
DaizyStripper's newest single Dearest. Long awaited. Due to be released, 3rd June 2009.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Late last year JaME did a poll of favorite newcomers on the VK scene with the winners to appear on a compilation album, well the results are in and i think some of you may be surprised, i was!
TOP 50
02. panic☆ch
03. Sadie
04. -OZ-
06. heidi.
07. Lolita23
08. NoGoD
11. vistlip
12. 176BIZ
13. DaizyStripper
14. ClearVeil
15. Danger Gang
16. Megamasso
17. Billy
18. Charlotte
19. ASS'n'ARRow
20. Serial⇔NUMBER
21. Zoro
22. hime ichigo
23. 【_Vani;lla】
24. Sugar
25. G-zas
26. Dolly
27. Irokui.
28. Moran
29. Aicle.
30. meth.
31. Nega
32. Ap(r)il
33. Dali
34. MoNoLith
36. Art Cube
37. since1889
38. as.milk
39. Poitrine
41. SIVA
42. Lycaon
43. Bergerac
45. unfade
46. Awoi
47. Like absolute myself
48. Zodia
49. VanessA
50. Aoi
well other than Sadie and -Oz- coming behind ANY band, theres another one that annoys me way more. WHY ARE LYCAON ONLY 42?!! I love that band!!! Theyre amazing!! Id expect them to be in the top 5 not 42!
It just goes to show how people can have such varrying tastes in music, theyre one of my favorite bands and i consider them increadibly talented, but apparently not that many other people do. I expect most of my friends not to like them cause they dont like music they cant understand, but when its fans of Jrock that have voted Lycaon down so far, really surprised me. Well if your reading this and you havent heard anything by Lycaon i highly suggest it!
You can find a link to download their latest album if you click on the Lycaon tag. the first song here is from an earlier album, if you want to download it just tell me and i'll upload it ^^
Lycaon: Alejandro (SO GOOD! sounds kinda spanishy) | Credits to Matsuya89
"There’s an interesting event taking place on April 11th called Men’s SPIDER PRESENTS 「融合と革命の嵐」 (Yuugou to Kakumei no Arashi) that will be produced by 鮎川優 (Ayukawa Yuu) of A・YCorporation and KISAKI from UNDER CODE PRODUCTION. The event will take place at Shibuya O-WEST.
So, what’s happening at this event?
Well, first off they’re going to be having a ‘guest appearance’ by a band called 「men’s SPIDER」. The members have not yet been announced by they will be on March 23rd. This special band will perform an original song created by KISAKI and produced by Ayukawa Yuu.
Another special treat for the night this special session band:
Vocals - 戮 (Riku) [chariots]
Guitar - 未散 (Michiru) [ex.MASK]
Guitar - 優一 (Yuuichi) [ex.Viored]
Bass - 和矛 (Kazutake [ex.MASK]
Drums - 子雲 (Shiun) [ex:SCISSOR]
Other bands performing that night are:
平成維新 (Heisei Ishin)
ジュリエット (Juliette)
Plus a large session band.
But wait, there’s more!
They’ll also be having a fashion show, which includes both Men’s SPIDER models, visual band member models and female models as well.
Band members that will be models in the Tritt fur Tritt hair show, are:
JUN [ex.Phantasmagoria]
san [Nega]
Yuu [Neg]
Botan [Kalvary]
Tickets for the show are already on sale, but cost 3000 yen a piece."
Shugo: How awesome does that session band sound?? I love Riku! And i cant wait to see whose in "men's SPIDER", if they're working with Kisaki im guessing they're pretty good.
p.s. that pics NOT the session band, its Riku in his current band Chariots ^^