And people going there are not from Nickelodeon. [A guy in his mid fourties? was chatting to some kid on the phone in the queue and used it to describe the the people in line, lolololol. Oh, and btw im not a teenager. I'm Twenty.]
1. Thinking of queuing early?
Well thats all good, but be prepared you WILL definiately be bored out of your skull. Today I queued for 30mins and was right at the mid-end of the line. The people who were there two days ago was at the front obviously. I queued for 7 Hours in the sun in paris for L'arc en ciel. Worth it? Sure was. The experience of my skin next to a sweaty French lady in her 40's was...different and got burnt to my memory forever.
People do queue jump, especially if they have "Links" or "Connections" or are alone.
Be angry? sure.
But feel sorry for the lonely ones, and go ahead and make yourself some friends if you are at the back. [lololol, I'm not so lucky I suppose.] Oh! and dont be late! Gigs do give a 30min gap between the time it says on the ticket and the start but you dont want to miss anything now do you?
There are usually plenty of food shops around the venue, so don't need to bother about bringing lunch. Onto the next subject.
Don't do it. Larger meals can KILL you and you will regret ever doing so during the whole show. Today my I must have sicked in my mouth about 5 times, and it tasted like the Mc donalds I had an hour before. [tada!] I never learn right?
Drinking too much liquids means you'll need the toilet right? Dont drink too much. But please do hydrate yourself during and after. It gets pretty damn hot in there if you know what I'm saying. O2 Isslington [formaly known as Carling Academy Isslington London], usually hands out free water at the front of the crowd, there are bars at the side so you can ask for water, free of charge. Other venues in not too sure.
>>>Bring Bottle of water
3. Coats and Bags
Less baggage the better, its usual that the people who have nothing to put in the cloackroom would be right at the front of the crowd [where the band are]. You will get sweaty, no doubt about it.
>>>Wearing one layer is more than suffient [I meant top, please wear underpants and something over it]
Usually costs around £2 or sometimes free of charge. Some Venues require you to leave your camera behind and will give you a ticket for you to trade back after the show.
CAMERAS ARE NOT ALLOWED. [unless they say its alright]

Well, normal people get kicked out of the show if security finds out. The people werent doing their jobs properly huh?
... Today there were two love birds standing right in front of me, both around 6 foot tall. They didnt dance either. Just stood there... and made out sometimes. Even to the fast songs.
...What, are people running out of hotel rooms to make out in? And the last resort is to come to some japanese dude's show full of people half your age? ... I think we need a word with the hotel peoplel dont you think?
[note to self : swesty pits, showering after, hurting people, touching other people, screaming, present throwing ]
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