All 3 Versions Packed Into One
1 Dorje
2 Haunted Jealousy
3 Ogress
4 Islamic
5 朧
6 Ganes
7 淫雨と暗澹
CREDIT: yelanyuqin
OK, so I got this really cool idea..... I really want to make a compilation of JRock Christmas songs!
I just don't know how to go about doing this...
So I was wondering if you maybe might be able to make a post or something on your blog that could advertise for me? You know, put my email in the post and ask people to send me suggestions for the compilation?
I know you're busy, and I hate to bother you (plus I have no idea how to post on blogs anyways.... I'm pathetic, I know.), but wouldn't it just be so awesome to have this JRock Christmas compilation album?
And then when I finish we could post it on the blog! It would be so cool...
I totally understand if you can't though. I just wanted to suggest it. :)
email :
Let's bake her some cookies and eat loadsa cake! HUH? *puts on party hat* One year older, one year wiser as well maybe? :] Nevermind....
Have a great day, full of assignments, cake, presents and all. MUAHAHAHA ♥♥♥
NPR has finally discovered the “herbivore men” that the Japanese media seems obsessed with lately:“It’s not so much that men are becoming more like women. It’s that the concept of masculinity is changing,” says Katsuhiko Kokobun. From his perch at Guzzle, the popular Harajuku hair salon he owns, Kokobun is at the front line of the latest trends.
Over the years, he has seen more and more men coming into the salon — men who he describes as “more modest, less demanding, kind of passive; they accept what they’re told.” He’s noticed that nowadays they’re demanding more traditionally female treatments. “We do have eyebrow plucking and facials for men,” he says, smiling. “Eyebrow plucking is very popular among high school boys.”
It is, perhaps, no coincidence that Yasuhito Sekine’s eyebrows are perfectly groomed. The changing tastes of Japanese men are quite literally what take up his days. He works for an Internet service provider and operates Sweets Club, an online group for men who like desserts. Set up in January, it already has about 1,000 members who congregate — online and in person — to debate the virtues of different brands of strawberry shortcake. It’s something that Sekine says would have been unthinkable 20 years ago.
“Back then, lots of men liked desserts, but it was considered uncool. Cool men had to like alcohol or spicy food. I’ve discovered my father likes eating dessert, but he never showed it in the past,” Sekine says.
DragonWAPPPPPPER are due to release their newest single, titled 「♭A♭Y♪」, on 2010.0.17! This single features their new vocalist Ume, however this single is only available for purchase at one of their lives next year.
CD Tracklist:
01. チューインガム
02. -Summer Time Summer Girl- (GTR Rap Track)
03. SOS
04. Baby. (SE)
Source : Japan Probe
Brad Pitt & Quentin Tarantino appeared on last week’s episode of Bistro SMAP, where they chatted with their pop group hosts and talked about Inglorious Basterds. Here are a few clips, with partial English captions provided by AngelinaJolieVIDEO2:Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:[Hat tip to Clay & Stears]
JaME interviewed Takanori Nishikawa, the mastermind and vocalist of abingdon boys school, on their first European tour.
You said in a video on your MySpace that you felt nervous about the European tour. How do you feel now that the first shows are over?
Takanori Nishikawa: At first I was really nervous, but as soon as I stood in front of the crowd on the first night and saw everyone enjoying themselves, I felt relieved. It was a pleasure to see the band and the audience having fun together...
[Read the rest of the interview here @ JaME]