Sunday, November 29, 2009

Edoh & Emails about Jrock christmas songs
OK, so I got this really cool idea..... I really want to make a compilation of JRock Christmas songs!
I just don't know how to go about doing this...
So I was wondering if you maybe might be able to make a post or something on your blog that could advertise for me? You know, put my email in the post and ask people to send me suggestions for the compilation?
I know you're busy, and I hate to bother you (plus I have no idea how to post on blogs anyways.... I'm pathetic, I know.), but wouldn't it just be so awesome to have this JRock Christmas compilation album?
And then when I finish we could post it on the blog! It would be so cool...
I totally understand if you can't though. I just wanted to suggest it. :)

email :

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