So, Libya is to be bombed by the USA and NATO and probably invaded.
(US, allies set for quick military action in Libya)
Libya is to become another Iraq.

Obama, Sarkozy and Cameron-Clegg are to be like Bush and Blair.

China, Russia, Brazil, India and Germany abstained in the UN vote.
Their leaders can thus be seen as quislings within the American 4th reich.
Update: Libya declares ceasefire s
"Libya declared an immediate cease-fire and promised to stop military operations Friday (18 March 2011) in a bid to fend off international military intervention after the U.N. authorized a no-fly zone and 'all necessary measures' to prevent the regime from striking its own people."

"Welcome back, sir," General Petraeus said to Robert Gates as the latter arrived in Afghanistan.
They were apparently unaware of an open microphone.
"You gonna launch some attacks on Libya or something?"
Gates replied: "Yeah, exactly".
Libya: General Petraeus jokes about bombing Libya
Bombed by the Anglo-Americans (Website for this image)
Less than 12 years ago, NATO bombed Yugoslavia.
Kosovo was taken from Serbia.
NATO backed Hashim Thaci and his 'Kosovo Liberation Army'.
Thaci's lot are linked to the trade in heroin and body parts, and to al Qaeda.
There are signs that NATO "is gearing up for another victorious little 'humanitarian war', this time against Libya."
Libya: Is This Kosovo All Over Gain?
Remember the NATO bombing of Yugoslavia?
"According to Human Rights Watch, at least 500 civilians were killed by NATO bombing; the Yugoslavian government claimed that 2,000 civilians were killed.
"NATO repeatedly dropped cluster bombs into marketplaces, hospitals, and other civilian areas." (Cached)
Belgian UN troops admit to roasting a Somali boy
The CIA's coup in Libya is all about stealing oil.
And helping the arms trade and Wall Street.
And removing Chinese influence.
And giving the USA control of North Africa.
On 9 March 2011,at Global Research, Professor Michel Chossudovsky has an article entitled "Operation Libya" and the Battle for Oil: Redrawing the Map of Africa
Among the points made:
1. Libya has the largest oil reserves in Africa.
The idea behind the US-NATO coup is to control that oil.
And take over Libya's National Oil Corporation.
2. And help the weapons producers.
3. And remove Chinese influence.
China plays a central role in the Libyan oil industry.
The UK's Clegg and Cameron seem to support the CIA coups.
4. And help Wall Street.
Billions of dollars of Libyan financial assets, deposited in Western banks, are to be conficated.
5. And give the USA control of North Africa.
This means weakening French links to Tunisia, Morocco and Algeria; and other parts of Africa such as Niger and Chad.
And weakening Italian links to Libya.
Victims of the Belgians
How do Europeans behave in Africa?
A Belgian officer described a raid to punish a Congolese village that had protested against Belgian actions.
The white officer in command: "ordered us to cut off the heads of the men and hang them on the village palisades, also their sexual members, and to hang the women and the children on the palisade in the form of a cross." (Mass crimes against humanity in the Congo Free State)
It's not Libya that has murdered up to two million Iraqis.
Gaddafi wants an international fact-finding team to visit Libya to investigate alleged atrocities committed during the present troubles. (Tripoli calls for atrocities inquiry)
Swedish Government: Radiation To Cover Entire Northern Hemisphere
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