In Libya, western planes have bombed Beir al-Osta Milad hospital in Tripoli. (Civilian casualties in Western strikes on Libya - state media)
Thousands of Libyans have crowded into Gaddafi's compound in Tripoli, to form a human shield against possible air strikes by the allied forces. The crowd includes many women. (Libyans form human chain against airstrikes by allied forces at Gaddafi's compound )
Early on 20 March 2011 it was reported that 48 people had so far been killed by the allies. (Libya pounded: many dead)
UK Prime Monster David Cameron said "British forces are in action ... to protect (kill) the Libyan people." (Libya pounded: claims of dead
On 14 March, two boys, aged 10 and 15, were watering their fields.
They were killed in an air strike by NATO-led forces. (Website)
Belgian Defence Minister Pieter De Crem told Belgian radio it would be necessary to maintain a military presence in Libya even after Gaddafi's exit.
He said that 'The goal is the departure of the Gaddafi regime ... This requires a Western presence even after the military strikes end' (Belgium expects lengthy deployment, many casualties in Libya )
aangirfan: Dr D. Ewen Cameron
aangirfan: David Cameron - rich and well connected
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