Some events linked to the number eleven:
11 November 1918 - on the 11th hour, World War I ended (11/11/18)
11 September 1941 - the construction of the Pentagon began.
11 September 1973 - The CIA put Pinochet into power in Chile.
11 September 1990 - Bush gave his State of the Union Address about the New World Order.
11 September 2001 - The World Trade Centre attacks took place.
11 March 2004 - The Madrid terror attacks.
11 February 2011 - Mubarak stepped down.
11 march 2011 - The Earthquake and tsunami hit Japan

On 9 11 (9 November 1989) the Berlin Wall came down, an event organised by the CIA and its communist counterparts.
911 days after 9/11/01 the Madrid Bombings took place.
Bush's invasion of Iraq began on 19 March 2003.
Obama's invasion of Libya began on 19 March 2011.
8 Years To The Day
President Kennedy was assassinated in the 11th month, on the 22nd day, and on the 33rd parallel.
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