German Chancellor Angela Merkel refused to take part in the no-fly zone over Libya.
On 25 February 2011, it was reported that Merkel "sternly rebuked the Israeli prime minister ... in an unusually fractious telephone call... Netanyahu had done nothing to advance the peace process, Merkel said... Germany voted for a UN security council resolution condemning settlements that was vetoed by the US." (Merkel rebukes Israeli PM Netanyahu for failing to advance peace ... )
On 16 March 2011, Angela Merkel narrowly escaped a helicopter crash while travelling to attend an election rally. (German Chancellor escapes chopper crash)
Minutes after dropping Merkel off in Oldenburg, the helicopter got into difficulty.
At an altitude of about 1,600 metres, both rotors of the Superpuma 332 chopper broke down.
The helicopter fell from the sky.
A few metrers from the ground, the pilots managed to restart the engines.
German authorities are investigating how both rotors of the helicopter broke down simultaneously.
It was a brand new helicopter taken into the service of the federal police in December 2010.

(BBC News - Merkel leads huge German delegation to Russia and China / German Business Moves Beyond Russia to China - NYTimes.com)
On 20 March 2011, in Libya, a three month old baby was buried.
The baby was a victim of Obama, Sarkozy and Cameron. (Libya: Gaddafi regime buries its dead )
At least 64 people are reported to have been killed so far (20 March) (Venezuelan president condemns Western-led bombardment of Libya )
Libya: MI6 warns: oppose Gaddafi or die
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