Why has the UK been unlucky with its 'spooks' in Libya?
Did Gaddafi have powerful friends?
Germany originally blocked plans for a Libya no-fly zone (Guardian)
But, on 18 March 2011, we learn that the United Nations has authorized strikes in Libya; and Gadhafi Vows Offensive
Gaddafi's son Saif seems to have a number of Jewish friends.
"Saif al-Islam ... is best mates with Israel’s far, far-right settler foreign minister, the fascist Avigdor Lieberman, and was (and perhaps still is) 'romantically involved' with an Israeli actress, Orly Weinerman."
(Clearing up myths and misconceptions about Gaddafi and the Libyan ...)

"Lord Mandelson has links to the Libyan regime.
"He has rubbed shoulders with Saif Gaddafi at a shooting party hosted by Lord Rothschild in Buckinghamshire." (Libya: Gaddafi's son asks for Tony Blair's help to 'crush enemies')
JP Morgan has important business interests in Libya. (Libya: Gaddafi's son asks for Tony Blair's help to 'crush enemies')
And Gaddafi has been accused of being an asset of the CIA.
"One of the more serious charges against Gaddafi is that he is a sponsor of terrorism.
"What is less well known is that arms and explosives which the Libyan leader distributed were provided by a CIA agent named Edwin Wilson.
"And that at least some of the terror operations were in fact the false-flag operations of Western intelligence services." (Moammar Gaddafi, Socialist Revolutionary Or Charlatan?)
Gaddafi's son Saif al-Islam claims Libya helped finance Nicolas Sarkozy's successful re-election campaign in 2007.
(Sarkozy election campaign was funded by Libya, claims Gaddafi's son) (Sarkozy: CIA AGENTS)
It looks as if Gaddafi did have powerful friends, but some of these friends are now deserting him.
Aboaoba (Abu Obah), from Manchester in the UK, who was captured in Zawiyah in Libya.
On 16 March 2011, we read about Salah Mohammed Ali Aboaoba, the Libyan rebel 'Al Qaeda fighter' from Britain
On 15 March 2011, in Libya, Aboaoba was presented to the world's media.
Reportedly, Aboaobahe has been helping 'Al Qaeda' fuel unrest in Libya.
Aboaoba says he is a member of the al-Qaeda-linked Libyan Islamic Fighting Group.
Aboaoba claims he raised money for this group at the Didsbury Mosque in Manchester, in the UK.
Aboaoba says he moved from Yemen to Britain in 2005.
He says he was granted asylum in the UK and lives with his family in Manchester.
He travelled to Libya in 2010.
Is he a British spook?
Welshman 'Tom Smith' has been working as the manager of a 'Farmco' wheat farm in Libya.
Farmco is a joint initiative between the Libyan government and American companies.
'Tom Smith' is thought to be an MI6 agent.
One night recently, 'Tom Smith' met two Chinook helicopters which had brought seven SAS men, a mid-ranking spook, and lots of guns, ammunition and explosives.
Smith and the new arrivals were arrested.
At the farm, Smith's workers found a locked room containing maps and white-boards full of military statistics.
Smith had previously worked with the British military in Basra in southern Iraq. The following video may be disinformation:
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