Where is this?
1. At the age of five, some children do not know their own name.
Some do not know how to open a book.
Some don't understand the word 'stop'.
Some cannot hold a crayon.
Some cannot dress themselves.
The children who are so neglected that at the age of five they do not even know their own name.
2. In 2006 it was reported that life expectancy in one area was 56, lower than in Bangladesh.
If you are born here, you can expect to die at 54.
3. 600 soldiers are on 24-hour standby.
Spies and special forces are to land in the east.'on 24-hour standby' to intervene if crisis worsens
Happy Libyan children by CharlesFred.
SO, in the UK, some five-year-old children are so neglected that they do not even know their own name.
And in one part of the UK life expectancy has been measured as 54.
AND, the UK is planning to send some of its military thugs to Libya, to help wreck that country.
It might be better if Gaddafi was to come and rescue Britain.

When Gaddafi took over in 1969, "over half of Libya’s ...population...lived in hovels, shacks and make-shift lean-to housing.
"Illiteracy, poverty and almost total lack of health-care or education was the lot of virtually the entire population.
"Since then, the situation has been reversed.
"All are housed and education is now free for all through the university level, a situation which compares favorably to the indebtedness forced on U.S. college students by the American Banking/Government extortion ring.
"Social services and medical attention were made available to the Libyans and the prosperity derived from petroleum and gas became a source of happiness and contentment for a people which had been forced to endure abject misery." - FOR GADDAFI, AGAINST IMPERIALISM
The British are to intervene in Libya?
The British military has a long history of acting like Nazis.

The Sunday Telegraph revealed that Britain's SAS trained Pol Pot's forces .
Jane's Defence Weekly reported that the British training for the members of the 'coalition' was carried out "at secret bases in Thailand for more than four years". -Remember that Britain's SAS trained the Khmer Rouge
Baha Mousa
Private Stuart Mackenzie was in Iraq in 2003 ( Diary of a squaddie: Sunburn, sore feet and three more Ali Babas ... ) He was attached to the Queen's Lancashire Regiment which ran the detention centre in which Iraqi hotel worker Baha Mousa was held before dying from the 93 injuries he sustained.
Mackenzie kept a diary and extracts were produced at the court martial of the seven soldiers who were acquitted of abusing prisoners.
Mackenzie wrote:
Leg and a winged (threw) Ali Baba into Shat al Arab (canal) for stealing wood.
Piss funny....
On 4 hour patrol - ... found anti-aircraft gun ... Horse bit me.
Found 3 Ali Babas at WTP7.
Beat them up with sticks and filmed it - good day so far...
House raid, for hours, nothing found.
Caught 3 Ali Babas - beat fuck out of them in back of Saxon.
One had a punctured lung + broken ribs + fingers.
One had a dislocated shoulder + broken fingers...
The British military have a growing reputation for behaving like Nazis.
According to some historians, Britain bears “significant responsibility” since 1945 for the direct or indirect deaths of 8.6 million to 13.5 million people throughout the world from military interventions and at the hands of regimes strongly supported by Britain.
(Unpeople, Dirty Wars and a Web of Deceit – Britain’s Foreign ...)

During World War I, Britain executed 306 of its own soldiers, some as young as 14 years of age. (http://www.wsws.org/articles/1999/nov1999/shot-n16.shtml)
From an article by Harvey Thompson at WSWS 16 November 1999:
A typical case is that of Harry Farr, who joined the British Expeditionary Force in 1914 and fought in the trenches.
His position was repeatedly shelled, and in May 1915 he collapsed with strong convulsions.
In hospital, his wife Gertrude—who was denied a widow's pension after the war—recalled, “he shook all the time.
He couldn't stand the noise of the guns.
We got a letter from him, but it was in a stranger's handwriting.
He could write perfectly well, but couldn't hold the pen because his hand was shaking.”
It is now thought that Farr was possibly suffering from hypacusis, which occurs when the eardrums are so damaged that the auditory nerve becomes exposed, making loud noises physically unbearable.
Despite this, Farr was sent back to the front and fought at the Somme.
After several months of fighting, he requested to see a medical orderly but was refused.
In Farr's Court Martial papers, the Sergeant Major is quoted as saying “If you don't go up to the f*****g front, I'm going to f*****g blow your brains out” to which Farr simply replied “I just can't go on.”
The Court Martial was over in 20 minutes.
Harry Farr had to defend himself.
General Haig signed his death warrant and he was shot at dawn on October 16, 1916.
Prior to World War II, elements of the British military were fans of Hitler.
According to Admiral Sir Barry Domville, a pre-war head of UK Naval Intelligence, Hitler was "absolutely terrific."
Wing Commander Frederick Winterbottom, a pre-war head of MI6's air section, reportedly hoped Britain and Germany would unite against Stalin's Russia. (Hackitectura Advance - [History of M15)

Giles MacDonogh has written After the Reich: The Brutal History of the Allied Occupation. (A hellish peace)
According to MacDonogh's evidence, at the end of World War II, the British military and its allies went in for rape, torture and murder.
Ian Cobain, in The Guardian 17 December 2005 wrote about the secret torture centres set up by the British military after World War II - The interrogation camp that turned prisoners into living skeletons ...
One of the British torture centres was at Bad Nenndorf, near Hanover.
372 men and 44 women passed through the Bad Nenndorf torture centre during the 22 months it operated before its closure in July 1947.
A Scotland Yard detective, Inspector Tom Hayward, investigated Bad Nenndorf.
He describes how prisoners were systematically beaten and exposed to extreme cold; some were starved to death and, allegedly, tortured with instruments that his fellow countrymen had recovered from a Gestapo prison in Hamburg.
Many of the prisoners were simply German leftists.
Others were Germans living in the Russian zone who had crossed the line, offered to spy on the Russians, and were tortured to establish whether they were genuine defectors.

One of the men who was starved to death, Walter Bergmann, had offered to spy for the British, and fell under suspicion because he spoke Russian.
Another man who starved to death, Franz Osterreicher, had been arrested while attempting to enter the British zone in search of his gay lover.
Ingrid Groth, then a seven-year-old, said locals claimed that if you crept up to the barbed wire at night, you could hear the prisoners' screams.
The commanding officer was Robin "Tin Eye" Stephens of MI5.
The inmates were starved, woken during the night, and forced to walk up and down their cells from early morning until late at night. When moving about the prison they were expected to run, while soldiers kicked them.
Prisoners could be stripped and repeatedly doused in water. This punishment could continue for weeks, even in sub-zero temperatures.
Naked prisoners were handcuffed back-to-back and forced to stand before open windows in midwinter. Frostbite became common.
One victim of the cold cell punishment was Buttlar...an anti-Nazi, he had spent two years as a prisoner of the Gestapo.
"I never in all those two years had undergone such treatments," he said.
Reportedly, the British military also got into bed with the Nazis.
After the war, "British authorities called off the hunt for the man who organised the Nazi Holocaust just 17 months after the end of World War II, files have revealed.
"The files relating to Adolf Eichmann were released by The National Archives. They show that at the time the decision was made, Eichmann was hiding in the British-controlled zone of Germany.
"He went to Argentina in 1950." - Eichmann search was ended early
Horst Kopkow, one of Hitler’s top spies, who ordered the murders of more than 100 British secret agents in concentration camps, was spared execution as a war criminal and went to work for MI6. Evidence emerged in the 1980s that Britain had become a refuge for suspected war criminals. - http://www.timesonline.co.uk/article/0,,2-1611185,00.html
Historian Mark Curtis has written: 1. 'Unpeople: Britain’s Secret Human Rights Abuses' (2004) 2. 'Web of Deceit: Britain’s Real Role in the World' (2003) Published by Vintage.
Paul Cochrane, at Worldpress.org , 6 January 2005, (Unpeople, Dirty Wars and a Web of Deceit – Britain’s Foreign ...) reviewed Curtis's books.
He wrote:
According to new research, Britain bears “significant responsibility” since 1945 for the direct or indirect deaths of 8.6 million to 13.5 million people throughout the world from military interventions and at the hands of regimes strongly supported by Britain.
Curtis said he came up with the term “Unpeople” because he thought it adequately described the British government’s attitude towards people who are expendable in Britain’s pursuit of economic and political goals.
“Last year,” Curtis said in a phone interview, “there was a British army officer who was quoted in Iraq as saying the Americans view the Iraqis only as Untermenschen, the Nazi concept of subhuman. In a way, the British have no real different regard for Iraqis than Americans."
Mark Curtis says that in 1971 an official British investigation found that the British army's torture techniques "played an important part in counter-insurgency operations in Palestine, Malaya, Kenya, Cyprus and the British Cameroons (1960-1), Brunei (1963), British Guiana (1964), Aden (1964-7), Borneo/Malaysia (1965-6), the Persian Gulf (1970-1) and in Northern Ireland (1971)".
Kenyans under the British.
In KENYA, the British used beatings, sexual humiliation, hooding, sleep deprivation, and bombarding with white noise.
32 Whites were killed by the Mau Mau during the five-year state of emergency.
More whites died in traffic accidents in the capital city, Nairobi.
Kenyans were forced into concentration camps and routinely tortured.
Some 150,000 Africans died as a direct result of the British policy.
There was a "constant stream of reports of brutalities by police, military and home guards", wrote Canon Bewes, a British missionary.
"Some of the people had been using castration instruments and two men had died under castration."
Other brutalities included slicing off ears, boring holes in eardrums, flogging people to death, pouring paraffin over suspects and setting them alight and burning eardrums with cigarettes.
A British district officer admitted, "There was outright abuse of power and some of the crimes committed were horrific.
One day six Mau Mau suspects were brought into a police station in the neighbouring district to mine.
The British police inspector in charge lined them up against a wall and shot them."
A mobile gallows travelled the country.
Over 1,000 were hanged, their bodies displayed at crossroads and market places.
The British bombing Malaya.
The British used terror in Malaya.
This involved aerial bombing, massacres of villagers, dictatorial police measures and the "resettlement" of hundreds of thousands of people.
British Marine with the heads of victims. Website for this image
During the state of emergency, from 1952 to 1957, the British army used torture.
Cypriot Nicos Koshies:
"They took me to the Special Branch and they started beating me.
"They took off all my clothes, they tied my hands and feet.
"They asked somebody to come in.
"He was taking a stick to put up my bottom, he was putting cloths in water and putting them on my face so I could not breathe, he threw me down and danced on my stomach when he was wearing boots.
"After 12 days I could not recognise myself."
James Callaghan in the House of Commons:
"On 29 June 1957 an inquest was held into the death of Nicos Georghiou.
"Dr Clearkin said in evidence that bruises in the head were sufficiently severe to have caused the injuries to the brain, perhaps bumping the head against a hard object."
In 1953 a coup organised by the British and the USA overthrew Mossadeq and gave power to the Shah.
British SAS forces trained the Shah's Savak secret police.
SAS officers helped train the Iranian army in special operations against the Kurds.
The Shah's regime used torture until it was overthrown in 1979.
In Aden, later known as South Yemen, SAS squads used terror against local villages.
An official investigation found that from 1964 to 1967 detainees at a British interrogation centre were routinely tortured.
Their eardrums were burst.
Others were forced to lean against walls with their fingertips for day and subjected to white noise for hours.
Former detainees in Bahrain have described being beaten, electrocuted, whipped, tied in excruciating positions for days on end, kept awake, starved and having their toenails torn out.
The Compton official inquiry acknowledged that the army hooded suspects, fed them on just bread and water and blasted them with noise.
An Amnesty International report said, "It is because we regard the deliberate destruction of a man's ability to control his own mind with revulsion that we reserve a special place in our catalogue of moral crimes for techniques of thought control and brainwashing. Any interrogation procedure which has the purpose or effect of causing a malfunction or breakdown of a man's mental processes constitutes as grave an assault on the inherent dignity of the human person as more traditional techniques of physical torture."
A European human rights report found that British army techniques amounted to "inhuman and degrading treatment" causing "at least intense physical and mental suffering".
Mengele, Oswald, the CIA
Anglo-American fascism
aangirfan: The Intelligence Game - James Rusbridger
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