SMAP member Kimura Takuya was the No.1 choice. His sexy yet humorous personality perfectly matched with the image of Jack Sparrow. Kimura is well-known outside of Japan as well with his appearances in the movies '2046' and 'アイ・カム・ウィズ・ザ・レイン / I Come with the Rain'. That also helped him take the No.1 spot. No.2 went to Odagiri Joe, whose sexy and unique personality has similarities with Jack Sparrow too. No.3 was Matsumoto Jun, and No.4 Matsuyama Kenichi. No.5, No.6 and No.7 each went to Abe Hiroshi, Karasawa Toshiaki and Mikami Hiroshi. All three accomplished actors are able to put on solid performances in any kind of movie. They never look out of place nor act in a way that runs counter to the film's atmosphere. No.8 was Fukuyama Masaharu, Mizushima Hiro No.9 and Tamaki Hiroshi No.10. The top 10 list included not only veterans but also young actors gathering attention; in all a good lineup of well regarded actors. Quite a few of them have been successful as musicians as well.
木村拓哉(Takuya Kimura)GATSBY BODY PAPER CM '09.06
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