On 19 June 2011, at voltairenet, Thierry Meyssan has an article entitled "The plan to destabilize Syria" ]
(Aangirfan's comments are in italics)
According to Meyssan:
1. It was John Bolton who, in 2002, introduced the plan to break up both Syria and Libya simultaneously.
(Reportedly Bolton is Jewish and the 'Arab Spring' is supported by Israel - The JEWS who Run the USA)
2. The original plan was to bring about military coups in Syria and Libya.
This failed , due to the lack of willing military officers.
(The generals in Tunisia and Egypt were part of the CIA coups which toppled Ben Ali and Mubarak)
3. In Syria, the American idea was to stir up unrest, near Jordan and the Golan Heights, and set up an Islamic emirate.
Syria would then be broken up.
4. An incident was contrived involving students who engaged in provocations.
(In Tunisia and Egypt we saw the same 'false flag' incidents organised by CIA-Mossad-NATO forces)
When demonstrations began, snipers on roofs shot at random into the crowd and against the police forces.
Similar tricks were used in Benghazi, in Libya, to fuel the revolt.
Other clashes were planned, near Syria's borders with Lebanon and Turkey.
5. The clashes were led by foreign mercenaries belonging to Saudi Prince Bandar bin Sultan's network.
The clashes were organised in Jordan by the CIA, Mossad and Bandar.
Syria by spdl_n1
6. Syria's President Bashar al-Assad "is undeniably the most popular political leader in the Middle East."
"Up to two months ago, he was also the only one who moved around without armed guards, and felt comfortable in a crowd."
7. Bandar has had help from such countries as Pakistan and Malaysia.
8. The vast majority of Syrians are supporting their president, Bashar al-Assad.
Syria has developed a multiparty system.
9. In order to destroy Syria, the USA aims to freeze Syria's assets and block its sales of oil.
An asset freeze requires a resolution by the UN Security Council.
If China opposed a freeze, it would lose access to vital Saudi oil.
Russia could oppose a freeze.
However, the USA has attempted to bully Russia by placing its guided-missile cruiser, the USS Monterrey, in the Black Sea.
(Russia's only naval base in the Mediterranean is in Syria)

10. There is a propaganda war against Syria.
This has included the blog "Gay Girl in Damascus".
This turned out to be written by an American propagandist.
In fact Syria is secular and homosexuality is not curbed.
It is the opponents of the Syrian president who are extremist Islamist homophobes.
And, it was the anti-Gaddafi forces in Libya who hunted down and lynched black Africans.
Syrian TV showed armed groups on rooftops firing at random into the crowd and at the police.
When these images were shown on Western TV, it was dishonestly claimed that those doing the firing were the forces of the Syrian government, rather than the forces of the CIA-Mossad.
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