The murders of Princess Diana, President Kennedy and various citizens on 9 11 - are all part of mass mind control. (Mind Control)
In the 1930's it was not just the Nazis who were researching mind control.
It was also the British and their allies. (Mind Control)
One way to bring about mind control is to cause extreme terror.
This can cause the mind to split.
A person can develop an extra personality designed to 'house' the terror which the main personality cannot handle.
It is possible to create several compartments in the mind, each with its own personality.
People within the security services of the USA and UK, among others, have perfected the technique of splitting and programming people’s minds through the use of torture, terror, drugs and hypnosis.

Among the victims are children from orphanages, children of the military, and various people in the entertainment industry.
The alternate personality emerges when certain trigger words are used by the 'controllers'.
The victim is unaware of what is happening.
Sometimes the victims are used as sex slaves or suicide bombers.

The general public are of course also subjected to this 'mind control'.
Think of how the news broadcasts create terror.
They tell us to fear bird flu, weapons of mass destruction, a new ice age, aliens etc.
Think of how we are hypnotised by endless repetition of dishonest messages such as: Gaddafi did Lockerbie; Mubarak hurt Egypt; Ben Ali's Tunisia suffered great poverty...
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