Centralisation and top-down control do not work?
According to German physicist Ulrich Mohrhoff:
There is 'an intelligence' that is far superior to human intelligence.
When a 'human being' creates a car, he first makes a design.
Then he manufactures the car using the materials available.
And he works according to the existing laws of science.
The 'superior intelligence' doesn’t work that way.
It doesn't first design and then make.
(Interview with German physicist Ulrich Mohrhoff about materialism, consciousness and quantum physics)

Some people believe that there is no 'old man in the sky' who designed the world on his drawing board.
Some people believe that 'God' had to have an element on 'randomness' to make life 'real'.
In The Financial Times, 4 June 2011, in a review of 'Adapt: Why Success Always Starts With Failure' by Tim Harford, Harvard professor Edward Glaeser writes (FT.com / Adapt):
"Humanity has done and will do great things... because our randomness generates plenty of gold amid the dross..."
Harford favours decentralised authority, not top-down command and control.
"Perhaps ...many corporations today have the right level of centralisation for an era dominated by logistics and scale, but too much for an era dominated by innovation and creativity...
"Decentralised entities prosper by allowing for experimentation."
Think how inefficient the US military has been.

Sri Aurobindo (1870-1950) was an Indian philosopher.
According to Sri Aurobindo (Sri Aurobindo, The Life Divine.):
'The Divine' brought 'division' to creation to enable the greatest multiplicity of forms and possibilities of existence.
For example, night and day are divided from one another, but allow for greater possibilities.
The ultimate purpose of life is to discover the delight of existence.
We reach that delight when we discover our higher nature.

In the Financial Times, 5 April 2011, Luke Johnson tells us why big centralised institutions are not a good idea (The biggest groups are ill with inefficiency
Luke Johnson refers to:
"An obsession with governance: increasingly, institutions favour compliance over competence, and box-ticking over practical solutions...
"Institutional capture: the phenomenon whereby management end up running an enterprise for their own benefit...
"Lack of proprietorship: when employees have no effective capital stake in an organisation, they tend to be less cost-conscious, and take a more cavalier attitude to waste, personal expenses and the like...
"Anonymous mediocrities: there is nowhere to hide in a small company – if you can’t deliver, you’re out. But in a large outfit, also-rans can get away with poor work for years...
More from Subversive Thinking : Interview with German physicist Ulrich Mohrhoff about materialism, consciousness and quantum physics
According to Sri Aurobindo, the passive impersonal Brahman (God) has its other side, the active and personal Brahman.
All life... is attempting to realise her perfection in an ever increasing expression of her potentialities.
There can be an "effort towards self-perfection by the expression of the secret potentialities latent in the being."
There can be "a union of the human individual with the universal and transcendent (outside the world) Existence we see partially expressed in man and in the Cosmos."
The 'divine power' has three main features.
In the first place, it does not act according to a fixed system ... but as determined by the temperament of the individual in whom it operates. Everyone has his or her own method.
Secondly, the process accepts our nature such as it stands organised by our past evolution and without rejecting anything essential compels all to undergo a divine change....
Thirdly, the divine power in us uses all life ... All life, all thought,… all experiences passive or active, become thenceforward so many shocks which disintegrate the outer coverings of the soul and remove the obstacles to the inevitable flowering.
According to Mohrhoff:
Some materialist scientists argue that a non physicial consciousness is impossible.
They argue that psychokinesis (eg. moving objects with your mind) is physically impossible because it violates the law of energy conservation.
For example, in psychokinesis, physical energy would be actually created by a non-physical consciousness in order to affect a purely physical world, and the principle of energy conservation precludes such creation of energy.
According to Mohrhoff:
Energy is only conserved within a closed physical system.
To assume the universal validity of the law of energy conservation is to assume that the physical universe is 'causally closed'.
The physical universe may not be 'causally closed'.
According to Mohrhoff:
Neuropsychologists, phenomenologists, mystics, and yogis reject the 'folk psychology' of free will.
The mystic or yogi discovers behind our ordinary consciousness a subliminal consciousness, whose initial attitude is that of a detached witness.
It experiences thoughts, feelings, intentions, actions impersonally and undistorted by any sense of ownership, authorship, or responsibility.
Those who go further become increasingly aware of the true origins and determinants of their thoughts, feelings, intentions, and actions.
And once they are sufficiently aware of these subliminal controlling influences, they are in a position to accept or reject them, to choose, and for the first time to exercise a genuine free will.
According to Mohrhoff:
There is good scientific evidence for psi phenomena and survival of consciousness.
There is impressive evidence.
I believe in an intelligence that is far superior to human intelligence. The latter first designs and then executes its designs, utilizing pre-existent materials and pre-existent laws.
The former doesn’t work that way; it doesn’t first design and then execute, and the only material it uses is the substance (Reality) in which it inheres.
It works more like a spontaneously self-realizing vision of what is to be...
Man moves towards the infinity of the Truth by the experience of its variety; so his reason helps him to build, change, destroy what he has built and prepare a new construction, in a word, to progress, grow, enlarge himself in his self-knowledge and world-knowledge and their works.
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