How will the CIA destabilise China?
In Egypt, Mubarak's sucessful attempts to help the poor meant that the upper middle class had to pay more tax.
The CIA's coup in Egypt made use of the discontented upper middle class.
The Economist, on 23 June 2011, reports on the possibility of the Chinese government doing more to help the poor.
If the middle class has to pay more in tax, it may rebel.
"That is a day the party dreads...
"The party fears them far more than it does unruly farmers or migrants.
"Beijing's centre was flooded with police earlier this year when calls for an Arab-style 'jasmine revolution' circulated on the internet."

On 24 June 2011 Tony Cartalucci wrote about Collapsing China
According to Cartalucci:
1. In 1997, Neo-Con Robert Kagan wrote an article in the Weekly Standard about a "New Strategy of Containment" for China.
2. Kagan writes that the West's goal is to collapse China's government.
He writes, "Some new China hands agree that the Chinese regime is vulnerable and believe that increased ties will hasten the day when political liberalization finally catches up with economic liberalization.
"By embracing the Chinese, by exporting our Western ways through our Western goods, we will bring them down.
"By helping them expand their economy, we will exacerbate the contradictions of 'authoritarian capitalism' and force their resolution in favor of more democratic forms...
" Chinese leaders are more aware than anyone that there are contradictions in their system, and they will not be comforted to know that America's policy of 'engagement' contains the hope that they will be swept away by an uncontrollable tide of liberalization."
3. China's has increasing influence throughout Southeast Asia.
It has a naval port in Pakistan.
It has growing influence in the Middle East and in Africa.

4. The engineered "Arab Spring" is meant to put pressure on China via its dependency on foreign oil.
China's friend Pakistan is facing increased aggression from US intelligence and military forces.
Similarly, there are efforts to destabilize China's neighbors throughout Southeast Asia including Thailand and Myanmar.
5. America's influence in South east Asia has been reduced.
It seems that the West hopes to create a sufficient amount of chaos around the world to disrupt China's economic growth, while attempting to destabilize Beijing itself through foreign-funded sedition.
China has now openly accused the West of fomenting unrest both abroad and within its own borders.
6. The global elite are attempting to impose on us all a despotic global regime.
Kagan himself admits that "Western goods" are the method through which this modern empire expands its reach, so logically boycotting and replacing them with "local goods" and solutions is the answer.
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