Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Japan Probe : First Errand

I had to post this because it made me laugh because they were so cute x_x My future kids shall be like these!

credits to JapanProbe

On Monday night, NTV aired a special episode of “Hajimete no otsukai” (”First errand”), an adorable show that sends small children on errands. The kids are usually younger than 5-years-old, so few even notice that there are cameras watching them from across the street or sometimes from even a few feet away.

Here’s a partially subtitled segment showing two cute little kids, Masaki (5 years and 2 months) and his little sister Saika (2 years and 10 months), as they go on a journey to buy ingredients for their mom’s beef stew:

part 1

part 2

As Japan is a lot safer than other countries, it seems okay for such small children to go out on their own (with a tv show staff watching over them from a distance). They readily speak with shopkeepers and elderly people they meet, and even accept food from strangers. There is always a lot of crying, but usually the kids manage to fulfill their missions.

credits to JapanProbe

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