Monday, July 27, 2009

JaME & SHOXX : D'espairsRay Europe Writeup

Write up a report of your experience at a D'espairsRay's performance in Europe and it might end up in SHOXX!
© D'espairsRay
D'espairsRay is once again returning to Europe to perform thirteen shows during their PSYCHEDELIC PARADE IN EUROPE tour. JaME and SHOXX are interested in your experience of these D'espairsRay concerts! If you're going to one of their performances, write down your thoughts and experiences and your report might be published in the visual and hard rock magazine, SHOXX!

To participate, send your live report, together with a photograph of yourself, to SHOXX and JaME will select the best reports, and those will get published in SHOXX. If your concert review is chosen, SHOXX will provide you with a free copy of the issue your report is in.

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