In 1957, Norway's spy boss Vilhelm Evang, protested strongly against the subversion of Norway by the USA and NATO. (Cached)
Hans Otto Meyer was a Norwegian shipowner and spy [1]
In 1978 the police investigated Meyer's apartment in Oslo's west side .
The police found a bunker with weapons and ammunition, enough to equip more than a hundred men.
Meyer claimed that the weapons belonging to Norway's Stay Behind army, [3] part of the CIA-NATO's Operation Gladio.
There is evidence that fascism continued to thrive after World war II.
It is believed that the fascists in the USA, Europe and elsewhere are in alliance with Zionists and various mafias.
Some believe that the fascist alliance is linked to the CIA, Pentagon, Mossad and freemasonry.

On 27 July 2011, Gordon Duff reported on the Norway Attacks.
(Secret Terror, The Price of Ignorance)
According to Gordon Duff:
1. After World War II, top freemasons formed parallel governments and engaged in terrorism.
2. 'Breivik' was allowed to buy assault weapons, silencers, tons of explosives all while on terror watch lists.
His Masonic friends in the police, the same police whose helicopters were disabled on “terror day,” much as NORAD was mysteriously “closed” on 9/11, were looking out for him.
3. Norway’s police and security services are controlled by Freemasons.
In 1957 Norway's spy boss, NIS Director Vilhelm Evang, discovered a secret organization within his own Psywar and Counter-intelligence command.
This secret organisation had compiled 'death lists' of progressives, liberals and intellectuals.
4. In 1978, Norwegian financier Hans Otto Meyer was arrested on 'terrorism' charges.
Tons of arms and explosives along with radio equipment were found at a cabin he owned.
Meyer said the cache belonged to Norwegian intelligence for use by clandestine civilian groups, such as those operating in Italy at the time.
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