Rupert Murdoch has powerful enemies.
George Soros wrote:
"Those in charge of Fox News, Rupert Murdoch and Roger Ailes, have done well in identifying me as their adversary."
A Soros-funded operation called Color of Change, explained how "it successfully urged several advertisers, including Best Buy, Wal-Mart, and RadioShack, to pull their ads from Beck's show."
Glenn Beck's TV show was part of the Murdoch media empire.
Beck had said that Soros, born to Hungarian Jews, had as a teenager been a Nazi sympathiser.
Nearly 30 Soros-funded media operations are part of the 'War on Fox'
According to Beck (Soros vs Murdoch: The battle for the soul of America.):
"Not only does (Soros) want to bring America to her knees financially, he wants to reap obscene profits off us as well."
According to Beck, America is being haunted by "saboteurs" interested only in the creation of "One World Government".
"All the paths, time after time, really led to one man, George Soros," Beck said.
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