"The most expansive intelligence services in the world are under the control of the Order of the Knights of Malta."
(Vatican Assassins and the Norway Massacre Connection. /
aangirfan: The CIA, The Vatican, Knights of Malta, Fascism ...)
'Ander's Breivik''s mentor is said to be Paul Ray.
Blackwatch (What's Inside The Box?.) reported that he, Blackwatch, apparently got e-mails from Paul Ray.
Blackwatch kept several emails by "a man who mailed me last year and bore a striking resemblance to Anders Breivik."
Paul Ray, an Englishman, now lives in Malta.
British spies often retire to Malta.
According to MaltaToday (Imperium Europa ... - maltastar.com), 'Breivik' had close connections with a number of Maltese political parties, including Maltese Imperium Europa, and was in close contact with the party.
In his dossier 'Breivik' wrote that he had travelled to a number of countries including:
The United Kingdom, Germany, Denmark, Belarus, Poland, Sweden, France, Croatia, Austria, Hungary, Lithuania ,Estonia, Latvia, Spain, Cyprus, the United States of America, Turkey, Mexico, China, Nigeria, Cote d'Ivoire, Liberia and Malta.
MaltaToday (Breivik's 'mentor' hosted Johnny Adair and Nick Greger.) reveals that:
In February 2011, Paul Ray played host in Malta to former Ulster Freedom Fighter (UFF) Brigadier Johnny ‘Mad Dog’ Adair and convicted terrorist and ex-neo Nazi Nick Greger.
(Thanks to Anymous for the link)
Adair is supected of having links to agencies of the UK government.
Northern Irish protestant terror chief Johhny 'Mad Dog' Adair and his friend Glasgow gangster Tam McGraw were deeply involved in the drug trade between Scotland and Ulster (Northern Ireland)' ( McGRAW: PETTY THIEF TO A £30M FORTUNE HOW DRUG-DEALING )
The Daily Record wrote: "Local uniforms and CID could often be found sitting in the McGraws' home drinking tea and smoking.
"When McGraw bought The Caravel pub, certain well-known detectives were in regularly, drinking heavily and never putting their hand in their pockets."
Israel has an influence in Malta.
"There are currently 68 companies registered in Malta with Israeli shareholding." (Malta signs agreements with Israel, Palestinian Authority)
In 1995, in Sliema, Malta, Mossad carried out an assassination of a Palestinian.
This was in front of the Diplomat Hotel [26]

The Sunday Express reports:
1. Finnish psychologist, Dr Rauni-Leena Luukanen-Kilde, who has lived in Norway for 20 years, believes Breivik is unlikely to have been a lone wolf.
She said: "An attack of this magnitude would have taken such a degree of planning it would have been virtually impossible for one person to pull off.
"He seems to have been almost brainwashed by either a person or by an ideal."
2. He appears to have had 600,000 kroner (approximately £72,000) paid into his bank account in 2007.
According to information leaked online, he had a personal fortune of 631,663 kroner despite his yearly income being just 5,223 kroner.
3. There were initial reports that Breivik was convicted in 2001 of illegal possession of weapons and explosives...
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