On 11 July 2011, there was a massive explosion at the Cypriot naval base at Zygi.
At Zygi, in 1998, the arrest took place of two agents of Israel's Mossad.
According to Machi newspaper, the Mossad spy ring included Cypriots and fed information about Cypriot weapons systems and installations to Mossad and Britain's MI6.
Cyprus Mail: News Articles in English, 98-11-15
The "Mossad men were captured at a sensitive time when Cyprus was threatening to place Russian S-300 surface-to-air missiles as protection against Turkish jets at a base the Mossad agents were believed to be monitoring.
"It was coupled with reports that Israel had been training Turkish pilots on how to avoid the SAM missiles."
The 11 July 2011 blast at Zygi killed 12 people, including the commander of the country's navy.
"A fire reportedly ignited about 100 containers holding confiscated Iranian explosives at the naval base at Zygi.
"The fire spread to the island's largest power station. It has been knocked out, resulting in widespread power cuts...
"The blast, which occurred at 0600, was 'rather like a sonic boom', eyewitness Hermes Solomon told the BBC."

The Cyprus Navy chief and Base Commander were killed by the base munitions blast - The Defence Minister and Army Chief Resign
Who would want to disable both the Cyprus Army and the Navy?
(SEE: The Israel, Lebanon, Cyprus Disagreement Over Mediterranean Gas and Oil).
"Yesterday, Netanyahu was all set to challenge Lebanon's rights to parts of the Mediterranean gas and oil basin in a U.N. standoff, hoping to get the backing of the 'civilized world' behind the claims, which he fully intended to stake-out, believing that he had the Cypriot government's backing.
"According to the Lebanese news site Al-Manar, the government in Cypress expressed a willingness to negotiate with Tripoli over the position of what is known as 'point 23.'
"Today the arms dump of confiscated Iranian/Hezbollah arms explodes, taking-out the heads of Army and Navy."
"A fire broke out inside the administration building but was quickly put out. The cause of the fire was not immediately clear..."
Cyprus Blast Destroys Vassilikos Power Plant, Power Lost To 50% of the Island
The ship that brought cargo of death to Cyprus
(links from Peter Chamberlin -http://therearenosunglasses.wordpress.com/)
A reader comments on the 11 July 2011 explosion at the 'Evangelos Florakis Naval Base' in Cyprus.
Did some digging and came up with photos of the containers: http://img155.imageshack.us/img155/7503/78322913.png
Here are the containers days before the explosion some clearly experiencing high internal pressure due to gas build ups or smaller explosions: http://img192.imageshack.us/img192/1161/15052352.jpg
Here is the blast radius for a view of where it was relative to the power station: http://img42.imageshack.us/img42/7825/83340111.jpg
THERE IS ONE POTENTIALLY MAJOR BOMBSHELL, claims have emerged that these Iranian munitions consisted of depleted uranium.
If the stories are legitimate perhaps they could explain why the weapons were stored for so long and not destroyed.
Relevant links to DU: http://translate.google.com/translate?js=n&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&layout=2&eotf=1&sl=auto&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.zougla.gr%2Fpage.ashx%3Fpid%3D2%26aid%3D348258%26cid%3D94
CYPRESS MEDIA ALSO REPORTING ABOUT DU: http://www.cyprus-mail.com/cyprus/concerns-surface-over-possible-mari-health-hazard/20110714
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