- Dershowitz Speaks to Oslo Jews - Website for this image
In March 2011, at Oslo's
Chabad House, Harvard Professor Alan Dershowitz told leading members of Norway's Jewish community to learn from Chabad's courage.
Dershowitz spoke about the extreme anti-Israel, anti-Semitic attitudes he encountered in Norway.
Dershowitz told the guests - among them academics and Jews in leadership positions - that the Jewish community "needs help from the outside."
"Chabad Shliach in Oslo, Rabbi Shaul Wilhelm and his family were out of the country during the attack. They are spending Shabbos in England." ( - 7 Dead as Bomb Rocks Norway)
In June 2011, Norwegian prime minister Stoltenberg meets George Soros (Norway UN (New York)'s photostream )
In June 2011, Jewish billionaire George Soros met with Norwegian Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg, Minister of Trade and Industry Trond Giske, Environment and International Development Minister Erik Solheim, Foreign Minister Jonas Gahr Store.
He also visited HRH Crown Prince Haakon.

In July 2011, Stoltenberg met Larry Summers.
(Norway UN (New York)'s photostream )
Poverty in Sweden
Sweden has had its terror incidents.
In 1951, CIA agent William Colby, based at the CIA station in Stockholm, supported the training of stay-behind armies in neutral Sweden. (
The Swedish media reported on 12 December 2010:
A few hours before the explosions in downtown Stockholm, someone in the Swedish military contacted a friend to warn them to stay away from Stockholm's Queen Street, where the bombs went off. (
The "terrorist bomb" in Sweden just got a bit weird.)
Bernadotte, who rescued many Jews from German concentration camps.On 17 September 1948, Count Folke Bernadotte, while working for the United Nations, was assassinated in Jerusalem.The killers of Bernadotte were the Jewish terrorist Stern Gang.
One of the organisers of the attack was Yitzhak Shamir, who became prime minister of Israel.
The Stern Gang also murdered several British officials.
During World war II, Bernadotte rescued many Jews from German concentration camps.So why was he killed by Jews?
Himmler. Did Bernadotte know too much about him?In April 1945, Heinrich Himmler asked Bernadotte to pass on a message to Churchill and Truman.
(Folke Bernadotte - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)
Himmler is supposed to have committed suicide in 1945, but there is evidence that he was allowed to escape.
Hugh Thomas' 2001 book
The Unlikely Death of Heinrich Himmler provides evidence that the man who died in British custody was not Himmler.
MI6 traitors Kim Philby and Anthony Blunt were reportedly involved in a cover-up.
Himmler had Jewish connections.
Himmler's SS cooperated with the Haganah, the Zionist underground military organization in British-run Palestine.
(The Zionists are in bed with the Nazis)
Reportedly, Himmler's grandfather was Jewish.
(Himmler relative marries Israeli - Israel News, Ynetnews / eichmann was jewish l )The German SS secretly supplied weapons to Jewish settlers for use in clashes with Palestinian Arabs. (F. Nicosia, Third Reich (1985), pp. 63-64, 105, 219-220.)
The real Hitler? Did Hitler have Jewish connections?Sir Alan Lascelles was King George VI's private secretary from 1943-52.
Lascelles, in his diaries, entitled
King's Counsellor, wrote that, in June 1944, General Georges Catroux, of the Free French forces, had asked the British government's Alfred Duff Cooper "to see a certain French officer, urgently."
The diary entry for
21 June 1944 continues: "This man, who is a very big noise in the French intelligence service, told Duff that he had very reliable information that
Hitler had fled from Berlin to a villa near Perpignan, where he is now hiding and waiting a favourable opportunity to slip across the Spanish frontier."
By 1944, Hitler no longer appeared in public. (
20 July plot - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)

The 'body of Heinrich Himmler', after committing suicide, 1945.
Some people allege that this is Himler's double. aangirfan: HITLER IN ARGENTINA
In the 1940s Sweden's King Gustav V fell in love with his tennis partner, a bloke called Haiby.
The authorities reportedly ensured that Haiby was lured into exile and put into jail. (
Sweden's scandals.)In 1994, Ikea founder Ingvar Kamprad confessed to a nine-year friendship with Per Engdahl, the pro-Nazi leader of the Neo-Swedish movement.
(The dark side of Swedish society)Sweden has Nazis and child sexual abuse.
Stieg Larsson, a Swedish journalist, wrote the Millennium Trilogy of crime novels, which have Lisbeth Salander and Mikael Blomkvist as leading characters.
In 2004, aged 50, Larsson died in rather mysteriously circumstances.
He had received death threats. (
Stieg Larsson - encyclopedia)
Sweden Swedish crime writer Henning Mankell writes about fictional character Kurt Wallander.
Larsson and Mankel's stories refer to:
1. Neo-Nazis who collude with Sapo, Sweden's secret service.
(The dark side of Swedish society)
2. The trafficking of children for sex, facilitated by highly placed lawyers and doctors.
(The dark side of Swedish society)
Blomkvist investigates the brutal murder of a child, 'apparently at the hands of her rich, Nazi-sympathising family'.
Former Uppsala Police Chief Goran Lindberg has been accused of involvement in rape and a sex ring.
(Ex-police chief remanded in sex ring probe / Ex-police chief suspected of pimping)Recent headlines in Sweden include:Politician caught in teen sex scandal to step down
Prison for head of Swedish teen sex ring
Businessman held in Swedish teen sex ring
Anna Lindh, Swedish foreign minister and steadfast supporter of the Palestinian cause was assassinated in Stockholm.There is a suspicion that Mossad has too much influence in Sweden and that from time to time it gets involved in assassinations of people who could be seen as critics of Israel.
Swedish Prime Minister Olof Palme was assassinated.
Gunnar Ekberg was an agent of the Swedish military intelligence agency (IB).
One of his jobs was to infiltrate left wing groups in Sweden.
Jan Guillou is a Swedish left-wing activist and journalist.
Jan revealed the existence of the Swedish military intelligence agency (IB).
Some members of the Swedish cabinet were unaware that IB existed.
IB was run by Birger Elmer.
Elmer asked his agent Ekberg: "What do we do about
Elmer informed Ekberg: "Our Jerusalem friends offered to 'take over' his case."
A new book claims that Mossad offered to assassinate Jan, the Swedish leftistDid Mossad help to deal with David Kelly?
OsloChris alerted us to a Telegraph article by Matthew Day entitled
"Norway shootings: 'fiction became reality' on Utoya, says novelist""In his 1989 book 'Thygesen's Terrorist' crime novelist Jon Michelet wrote about a far right extremist who travels to an island near Oslo and carries out a massacre."
Jon Michelet is a Marxist.
Who controls the intelligence services?
C. was among those who brought our attention to an article entitled:
Former French Foreign Minister Roland Dumas: Israel Controls French Intelligence, Lobby pressures US President.Former French Foreign Minister Roland Dumas, in his book "Coups et Blessures", reports that the "Israelis" do whatever they want in France, and they control French Intelligence.