A Bangladeshi businessman once told us that, in his view, all these 'Moslem terrorists' are actually members of criminal gangs who are protected by the security services.
The alleged 7/7/2005 London Tube bombers were not what they seemed.
1. Shehzad Tanweer had a secret girlfriend with whom he planned to spend the future.
(My secret affair with 7/7 bomber: Tanweer said he loved me we had a future.)
The girlfriend, known as Witness A, has told the 7/7 inquests in London that Tanweer told her they had a future together.
In 2005, the year of the attacks, he told her he was going to move to Dubai.

2. Germaine Maurice Lindsay had links to drugs crime.
The police failed to follow up an armed incident at a flat involving a car used by Lindsay. (7/7 inquests: police failed.)
Lindsay had a conviction for importing drugs.
CCTV of the car could not be used "because it was obscured by a Bedfordshire police poster."
The investigating officer went on holiday and then went on a residential training course.
Eventually Lindsay's car was found at Luton railway station as part of the investigation into the July 7 bombings.

Mohammed Junaid Babar is the man who trained the so called London Tube bombers.
It has been revealed that Babar worked for the US government. (The al-Qaida supergrass and the 7/7 questions that remain unanswered)
On 9 11 2001, Babar's mother was working as a secretary on the ninth floor of the Twin Towers.
Of course, she was not injured on 9 11.
Babar has met senior members of the CIA's al-Qaida.
In 2003, Babar set up a training camp in north-west Pakistan.
Reportedly this camp was attended by the leader of the 7/7/2005 London Tube bomb group, Mohammed Sidique Khan.

Babar was reportedly working for the US security services while pretending to be a jihadi.
In March 2004, Babar flew to his parent's home in New York. He was not placed on a no-fly list.
A month later, Babar was approached by the US authorities.
He was driven to a comfortable set of rooms in a posh hotel in downtown Manhattan.
Babar then gave the FBI a report on his 'terrorist' activities.
Reportedly Babar "hammered out a deal ..."
Babar 'went to jail'.
But, Babar spent the next six years flying around the world.
And he was released early from 'his sentence'.
As a youth in the USA, Babar attended the Lasalle Military Academy, a Catholic school.
During the various trials at which Babar made an appearance, it was revealed that he was able to visit a US consulate in Pakistan many times and apply for a green card for his Pakistani wife.

Paul Joseph Watson at Propaganda Matrix (Terrorist Who Trained London Bombers Was Working For US Government) makes the following points:
1. The so-called mastermind behind the 7/7 London bombings, Haroon Rashid Aswat, was a British intelligence asset.
2. All the evidence points to the alleged 9/11 hijackers being patsies controlled by the US government.
Louai al-Sakka, the man who trained six of the hijackers, was a CIA informant.
A number of the alleged hijackers were trained at US air bases.
In the months prior to 9/11, alleged hijackers Khalid Almidhar and Nawaf Alhazmi were renting rooms in a house owned and lived in by an FBI informant.
Fformer FBI translator Sibel Edmonds' testified that Bin Laden was working for the US right up until the day of 9/11.
On the morning of 9/11, the money man behind the alleged hijackers, Pakistan’s ISI Chief Mahmoud Ahmad, was meeting with U.S. government and intelligence officials.
The so-called spiritual leader of the hijackers who allegedly slammed Flight 77 into the Pentagon, Anwar al-Awlaki, was invited to dine with Pentagon top brass mere months after the attack.
3. Al-Awlaki was later involved in directing the underwear bomber, who was allowed to board the plane by order of the US State Department aided by a well-dressed man who got Abdulmutallab on the airliner despite the fact that he was on a terror watch list and had no passport.
Eyewitness and Delta 253 passenger Kurt Haskell subsequently blew the whistle to state that Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab was given the bomb by the US government to create a pretext for the implementation of naked body scanners and boost the TSA's budget.
4. David Headley, the 'mastermind' of the 2008 Mumbai massacre, was a US government informant and was also at one time on the payroll of the Central Intelligence Agency.
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