On 6th February 2011, in the UK's Mail on Sunday, PETER HITCHENS tells us about Egypt, People Power...and the truth we dare not speak
Like Aangirfan, Peter Hitchens has witnessed alleged People Power.
People Power, if it is to be successful, always has to be organised by the spooks.
Among the points made by Peter Hitchens:
1. The liberation of Romania was followed by an era of renewed corruption and political squalor that has not come to an end and is not likely to.
2. I have seen it argued – credibly – that the joyous return of freedom to Prague was orchestrated by the KGB.

Who does not like Mubarak?
On 9 January 2011, at American Chronicle, Ismail Imadudee asks if Israel is involved in a regional plot against Egypt.
Among the points made:
1. Egypt has tried hard to bring peace to the Middle East.
2. Israel has disrupted all of Egypt's efforts.
3. Israel has "continuously enjoyed embarrassing" Egypt.
4. Egypt's border with Gaza has been used by pro-Iran forces to enter Egypt and cause trouble.
5. The Gaza border situation has resulted in an aggressive media war which targets Egypt.

Who is helping the CIA-Mossad-NATO to reorganise North Africa and the Middle East?
According to Professor Michel Chossudovsky (The Protest Movement in Egypt.):
"Egyptian dissidents and opponents of Hosni Mubarak were received in May 2008 by Condoleezza Rice at the State Department and the US Congress.
"They also met White House National Security Adviser Stephen Hadley, who was 'the principal White House foreign policy adviser' during George W. Bush's second term."
(The Muslim Brotherhood was used by the CIA to topple the Shah.)
Michel Chossudovsky notes that:
"Britain's support of the Brotherhood instrumented through the British Secret Service dates back to the 1940s.
"Starting in the 1950s, according to former intelligence official William Baer, 'The CIA [funnelled] support to the Muslim Brotherhood because of the Brotherhood’s commendable capability to overthrow Nasser.'"
1954-1970: CIA and the Muslim Brotherhood Ally to Oppose Egyptian President Nasser.
"These covert links to the CIA were maintained in the post-Nasser era."

http://pennyforyourthoughts2.blogspot.com/ reports in some detail on US grants and the use of social media to foment "revolution in Egypt".
The USA has given lots of money to Egypt's 'activists'.
"For 2009 alone, the NED (CIA) gave grants totaling almost One Million, Four hundred thousand dollars, to numerous groups."

The CIA seems to like fascist fundamentalists?
On 5 February 2011, at the New York Review of Books, Ian Johnson has written about Washington's Secret History with the Muslim Brotherhood.
Among the points made:
1. "Since the 1950s, the United States has secretly struck up alliances with the Brotherhood or its offshoots...
2. "In 1953 ... a covert US propaganda program headed by the US Information Agency brought over three dozen Islamic scholars and civic leaders mostly from Muslim countries...
"The ultimate goal was to promote an anti-Communist agenda in these newly independent countries, many of which had Muslim majorities.
"One of the leaders ... was... Saeed Ramahdan (Said Ramadan)...
"Eisenhower officials ... figured that religion was a force that US could make use of...
"Central Intelligence Agency analyses of Said Ramadan were quite blunt, calling him a ... 'fascist'.
3. "By the end of the decade, the CIA was overtly backing Ramadan...
"In the 1950s and 1960s the United States supported him as he took over a mosque in Munich...
"In later years, he supported the Iranian revolution..."
4. The CIA "with the start of the Soviet war in Afghanistan" backed the mujahedeen - "some of whom morphed into al-Qaeda ... but Washington continued to flirt with Islamists, and especially the Brotherhood."
Cairo kids by Shek Graham
5. "The Bush administration devised a strategy to establish close relations with Muslim groups in Europe that were ideologically close to the Brotherhood...
"In 2005, the State Department launched an effort to woo the Brotherhood. In 2006, for example, it organized a conference in Brussels between these European Muslim Brothers and American Muslims, such as the Islamic Society of North America, who are considered close to the Brotherhood...
"The CIA pushed for cooperation...
6. "The Brotherhood has managed to voice the aspirations of the Muslim world’s downtrodden and often confused middle class.
"It explained their backwardness in an interesting mixture of fundamentalism and fascism...
"It has ... given birth to many of the more violent strains of radical Islamism, from Hamas to al-Qaeda...
7. "In Egypt, the Brotherhood ... says it wants religious courts to enforce shariah...
8. "The group’s most powerful cleric, the Qatar-based Youssef Qaradawi ... advocates the stoning of homosexuals and the murder of Israeli children - because they will grow up and could serve as soldiers.
"Qaradawi ... has often been mentioned as a candidate to be the Egyptian branch’s top leader.
"He is very likely the most influential cleric in the Muslim world - on Friday, for example, thousands of Egyptian protesters in Tahrir Square listened to a broadcast of his sermon..."
Dr. Yusuf al-Qaradawi, the Dean of Islamic Studies at the University of Qatar ... works out of London as head of the Islamic Council of Europe.
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