Mohamed Atta
Why did Mohamed Atta speak Hebrew? (Mohamed Atta loved pork chops, cocaine, hookers ...)
On 21 February 2011, the Israeli daily Yediot Ahronot reported on ten Jews, of Iraqi origin, who were trained to act as Moslems.
The training took part in the mid 1950s.
To improve their cover, the men married Moslem women and produced families.
The men were then sent into Israeli Arab communities, posing as Jews.
The job of these sleeper agents was to spy on the Arabs.
('Your Muslim husband is a Jew' The Australian)
In 1964, the men's wives were flown to Paris to be met by a Mossad officer who told them that their husbands were secretly Jews.
The Mossad station chief told the women they could either join their husbands in a Jewish community, or they could be resettled in an Arab country of their choice.
The women chose to remain with their husbands and so they were converted to Judaism.
"The kids experienced serious trauma. They tried to forget their past, where they came from, but they couldn't."

'Moslem' terrorist David Headley visited various Jewish sites in India.
He claimed to be Jewish when he reportedly stayed at the Chabad centre in Mumbai in July 2008.
The American FBI found a book in his bag in Chicago entitled 'To Pray as a Jew'. (Cached )
This al-Qaeda guy is Jewish (Website for this image)
This guy, Frank Collin Cohen, is Jewish (Website for this image - snippits-and-slappits.blogspot.com)
This guy, Bill White, is Jewish (Website for this image - snippits-and-slappits.blogspot.com)
According to Rose Cohen, of Sydney, Australia: "A very close friend and a most eminent Israeli journalist told me recently, that according to Jewish law - bin Laden is Jewish, as his mother is Jewish...
"This irrefutably honest Israeli journalist, disclosed to me personally that bin Laden's mother's family lives in Israel. I knew that bin Laden was Jewish long time ago..." (Bali, Australia And The Mossad)
Ataturk was Jewish?
9 11 has links to Tony Blair.
Sarah Margaret (née Lipsett), gave birth to Tony Blair's mother, Hazel.
The Lipsett family originated with a German Jewish immigrant to Ireland. (Tony Blair - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)
Texe Marrs reported on Hillary Clinton's Jewish ancestry.
He reported that John Kerry, Madeleine Albright, and General Wesley Clark have Jewish origins. "Hillary, Kerry, Clark and Albright subsequently came out of the closet and owned up to their Jewish heritage." (New World Order)
9 11 has links to Saudi Arabia.
"Jews have lived in Saudi Arabia for over 1400 years.
"Several Arab/Muslim intelligence agencies think the Saudi royal clan are Crypto-Jewish." (More Crypto-Jews in the Muslim world?)

9 11 has links to Turkey.
In the summer of 2001, 4 months before 9 11, the FBI's monitoring of Turkish agents revealed Turkish contacts with Feith, Wolfowitz, and Perle.
These people had discussions with the Turkish ambassador in Washington.
The subject of the discussions was a deal whereby the U.S. would invade Iraq. (TOP US OFFICIALS REPORTEDLY INVOLVED IN GANGSTERISM.)
churchofnobody.blogspot/ has reminded us of the donmeh, the 'Jewish' Turks.

Armenian Holocaust
According to Dr. Jacob M. Landau (Jewish Political Studies Review 19:1-2 (Spring 2007) ):
"The extreme nationalists have accused the dönmes of taking a leading part in the Young Turk plot in Salonica (a very exaggerated claim), thus contributing to the collapse of the Ottoman Empire and the destruction of its traditions.
"The Islamists have accused them not only of still being Crypto-Jews rather than Muslims, but also of abolishing the Caliphate and plotting to introduce secularism into Turkey, thus causing the decline of Islam there.
"Both groups (and some others as well) have accused the dönmes of participating in-or even masterminding-a worldwide conspiracy to Westernize Turkey and of being in league with communists and other subversive elements aiming to dominate Turkey and the world.
Armenian Holocaust
"Some of these arguments were used against Jews as well, making both Jews and dönmes supposedly guilty of the same misdeeds.
"An instance is the claim that Jews and dönmes were chiefly responsible for the tragedy of the Armenians in 1915.
"A debate about the dönmes and their true nature that had started in 1919 continued in the republic during the 1920s, mostly in the Turkish press and a few pamphlets. It maintained that the dönmes had remained Jewish in outward appearance and in innate characteristics, these being chiefly duplicity, vain superstitions, and unacceptable sexual practices..."
It has been claimed "that many politicians and businessmen in Turkey and elsewhere are in fact Jews or dönmes." (Jewish Political Studies Review 19:1-2 (Spring 2007) ) Merkel is yet another Zionist leader
On a bulletin board at 911oz - Australian 9/11 Truth Movement we read: "Nathanael Kapner says Jews plotted the Armenian Holocaust."
According to one post:
1716: A group called the 'Donmeh' forms in Salonica... They were known as Crypto Jews because though outwardly appearing to be Muslims, they were still Jews...
1860: Jewish Hungarian Zionist named Arminius Vambery becomes an advisor to the Sultan Abdul Mecit... Vambery tries to broker a deal between the Zionist leader Theodore Herzl and Sultan Abdul Mecit over the creation of Israel but fails.
1891: Out of the Donmeh a Zionist political group forms ... later called The Young Turks. The group is headed by a Freemason Jew by the name of Emmanuel Carraso who organizes the secret Committee of Union and Progress in Geneva with the help of the Rothschilds.
Young Turks
1895-1896: Sephardic Jews of Salonika together with the Turks massacre Armenian Christians in Istanbul.
1902 & 1907: Two Congresses of The Young Turks meet in Paris to plan, prepare, and effect the penetration the Sultan’s army leading to the military coup of 1908.
1908: The Jewish Young Turks revolt and force the Sultan Abdul Hamid II into submission.
1909: The Jewish Young Turks rape, torture, and slaughter over 100,000 Armenians in the city of Adana, also known as Cilicia. Assassination leads to World War I and Turkey's loss of Palestine.
1914: The Jews of The Young Turks create unrest, turmoil, and bolster the paid Serbian assassin, Gavrilo Princip, which leads to World War I.
1915: The Armenian Holocaust engineered by the ruling Jews of The Young Turks, leaves 1.5 million Armenian Christians starved, tortured, and murdered.
1918: Jew Mustafa Kemal ‘Attaturk’ ascends into leadership.
1920: Russian Jewish Bolsheviks supply Attaturk with 10 million gold roubles, 45,000 rifles, and 300 machine guns with ammunition.
1921: Attaturk occupies the Port of Batu in conjunction with the Russian Jewish Bolsheviks ceding it to the Bolsheviks five days later. The Rothschilds are delighted.
1922: Jewish Khemalists orchestrate the burning of Smyrna resulting in the ‘ethnic cleansing’ of over 100,000 Armenian and Greek Christians left tortured, starved, raped, and dead.
Murdered armenians (vineyardsaker.blogspot.com/2007/10/should-arm...)
The post suggests the following were Jewish:
1. Emmanuel Carraso: B’nai B’rith Official of Italian origin. Grand Master of the Macedonia Ressurected Masonic Lodge in Salonika; established the 'secret' Committee of Union & Progress (Young Turks) in Salonika in 1890.
2. Tallaat Pasha (1874-1921): Thought to be a Turk but in reality a “Donmeh Jew.” Interior Minister of Turkey during World War I; Member of Carasso’s Masonic lodge and Grand Master of the Scottish Rite Masons in Turkey; Chief architect of the Armenian Holocaust and Director of Deportations. He wrote, “By continuing the deportation of the Armenians to their destinations during the intense cold we are ensuring their eternal rest.”
3. Djavid Bey: “Donmeh Jew.” Talaat’s Finance Minister; Arranged the finances of revolution in Turkey with the Rothschilds; Later assasinated by Attaturk as a perceived rival.
4. Messim Russo: Assistant to Djavid Bey.
Armenian Holocaust
5. Refik Bey, AKA Refik Saydam Bey: Editor of Young Turk newpaper Revolutionary Press; Became Prime Minister of Turkey in 1939.
6. Emanuel Qrasow: Jewish propagandist for The Young Turks. Headed the delegation to inform Sultan Abdul Hamid II that "The nation has removed you from your office."
7. Vladimir Jabotinsky: Russian Zionist who moved to Turkey in 1908. Supported by B’nai Brith of London and Dutch Zionist millionaire, Jacob Kann; Editor of Young Turk newpaper. Later started the terrorist Irgun political party in Israel.
8. Alexander Helphand, AKA Parvus: Financier/liaison of the Rothschilds of the Young Turk revolution; Editor of The Turkish Homeland.
9. Mustafa Kemal ‘Attaturk’ (1881-1938): A Jew of Sephardic (Spanish) origin. Attaturk attended the Jewish elementary school known as Semsi Effendi School run by the Jew Simon Zvi. Over 12,000 Jews welcomed to Turkey by Attaturk in 1933 when Hitler came to power.
This may or may not be an accurate video.
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