Monday, February 14, 2011

Last Minute Valentine's Day Gift Guide!

The top 10 gifts that will save your hide at zero hour this Feb. 14th. We've got you covered! *wink*

Shocking! You've procrastinated until the very last moment once again, on the day that's considered calendar kryptonite to most men: Valentine's Day. In your frantic scramble to redeem yourself on any level with the clock at zero and the girlfriend expecting to be swept off your feet, ObehiOkoawo's Blog is here to save the day. With our Last Minute Valentine's Day Gift Guide, you've got everything you need to make sure she feels like the goddess she is, and you're not left feeling like a loveless chump on Feb. 15.

1. Using Old Photos for New Gifts
It's the morning of Valentine's Day, and though you've put it off forever, you're determined to make a personal, sentimental gift. No problem! Grab a flash drive/USB stick, load it up with pictures of the two of you together (better yet, find a cute pic of her as a kid and photoshop it together with one of you as a little runt), and head down to the local drug store. Those do-it-yourself Kodak Picture Kiosks at drugstores like CVS/Pharmacy and other chain stores, you can design personal greeting cards with photos and text, or create a personalized photobook. It'll take you less than an hour total, and you're guaranteed to melt her heart.

2. Treasure Hunt
Make a treasure hunt for your loved one with riddles or clues to lead them to a gift at the end of the trail. If you make it an all-day scavenger hunt, you'll have the time to pick up a couple other items on the list. Romance is a chess game! You must be a studied master to truly succeed. Don't let her see you sweating as you try to cram in some final procrastination-covering details. They key is to make it look planned and almost casual.

3. Flower Delivery

Arrange for flowers to be delivered, no matter how late in the game you are. Same-day flowers and floral arrangements are easy to order online, though they'll drain you dry on costs. But in the end, what's better, a thin wallet for the next week or an angry girlfriend who thinks you're too cheap to bother with a Valentine's gift?

4. A Sentimental Journey

Plan a trip to the place you met, the location of your first date or another place that's special to the two of you. Share your feelings (for once!) and show her that you appreciate her enough to want to revisit the spot you first (fill in the blank) together. Though guys, this might need pointing out: do not take her to the place you first made out/hooked up/slept together. Bad form.

5. Mixtape!
You'll have to employ at least one other idea on the list to make it a winner, but you can't go wrong if you burn a CD of songs you know your Valentine will enjoy. You could go the themed route, with love songs and sappy romantic ditties that might apply to your relationship, or simply a collection of songs you know she'll love - but make sure to include at least a few songs that are special to the two of you. Decoration on the actual CD tends to be difficult without affecting the disc, so it's best to find a nicely designed case - or make one yourself.

6. Romantic Dinner for Two
All the reservations are booked, you've waited too long again to book a table at your better half's favorite fancy restaurant. Salvation remains in the fact that at most places, you can order takeout and present it in your own romantic setting at home. Light candles, turn on some slow-jams and bring out the nice plateware. If you have a fireplace, light that baby up for a romantic evening with very little preparation time.

7. Surprise Getaway
There are few more exciting surprises to a girl than to be swept off her feet for a weekend getaway, and sites like and give you every incentive to wait until the last minute. You can save up to 70% when you book at the last minute on some of these deal sites, which requires a little scheduling flexibility but is well worth the romance points (and more, we're sure) you're going to earn when she finds out it's time to pack the weekend bag!

8. Write Her a Song
If you've got any musical inclination whatsoever, it's time to step up to the plate and write a little ditty about the sunshine in your life. The song itself can be worse than your little brother's band, and sure, maybe you've got the voice of a dying parrot - but trust us on this one, she's going to melt the moment she sees you pouring your heart into a song conveying your love to her. It doesn't have to be a sappy ballad, either - you'll likely get an A for effort just for giving it a shot.

9. Personalized Card with Love Coupons

To hell with Hallmark. If you've got a printer with a healthy amount of red ink, you're good to go, so long as you know how to work the Google image finder and a few romantic pictures (we'll even do it for you). Once you've assembled some nice pics and a heartfelt statement, head over to Valentine's Day Love Coupons and start printing. The first of the love coupons is blank, for you to personalize. Staple the pages together neatly in a booklet or tied with a pretty ribbon, and you're good to go. The only catch - you're going to have to include one or two other selections in this list to really have a romantic impact.

10. Chocolate!

Besides diamonds, what's really a girl's best friend? Chocolate. The debate has long ago been settled. But this is Valentine's Day, and the tired old heart-shaped box of cavity makers isn't going to cut it these days. You have to get something special and unique, so look for a store in your area that sells homemade specialty chocolates. Not See's Candies! Not even Godiva will get the message across that you didn't just stop on your way over at the nearest shop. No big-box chocolatiers allowed. Unique is unforgettable.

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