When the CIA topple Sukarno in 1965 they gave the Indonesian military a list of people to be dealt with.
Up to one million people were then murdered.
CIA Support of Death Squads
It could happen in North Africa.
Watch out people of Libya.

The USA bombs innocent civilians.
On 18 November 2010, there was an article entitled "Democracy promotion: America's new regime change formula" at RT
Among the points made:
1. In previous decades, CIA coups involved CIA death squads, CIA torture chambers and CIA massacres.
2. More recently, the CIA has worked harder at disguising its murderous coup activities.
3. Lawrence Wilkerson, formerly Chief of Staff to Colin Powell said, "We do this through surrogates and nongovernmental organization and through people who are less suspecting of the evil that may lurk behind their actions than perhaps they were before...
"Is it still just as heinous as it has always been? You bet!"
Libya: The Rest of the Story
4. To topple regimes, the CIA uses such organisations as the US Agency for International Development (USAID) and the National Endowment for Democracy (NED).
5. Ron Paul wrote "It is particularly Orwellian to call US manipulation of foreign elections 'promoting democracy.'
"How would we Americans feel if for example the Chinese arrived with millions of dollars to support certain candidates deemed friendly to China?"
6. According to Dr. William Robinson, author of Promoting Polyarhcy, "all sectors of civil society will be identified and those that can be brought on board to the US interventionist project will be brought on board and funded."

7. According to William Blum, author of Killing Hope: US Military and CIA Interventions since WW II: "The one in Serbia ... they borrowed things from that revolution.
"Certain slogans, symbols and colors, and they use it again and again."
The CIA makes use of youth groups, rock bands and laser shows.
Student leaders of the Serbian youth group Otpor, who played a key role in the 2000 ousting of Slobodan Milosevic, met 7 to 10 times with officials from USAID affiliates, according to the NY Times.
The same group also received several hundred thousand dollars for demonstration material, t-shirts and stickers.
8. According to Blum "Venezuela is the place where they send the most money. Chavez is enemy number one."
In Venezuela, Maria Corina Machado rose to fame with an NGO known as Sumate, an organization that received hundreds of thousands of dollars from USAID and NED.
Sumate led fierce campaigns against democratically elected President Chavez.
Since 2000, USAID has activated more than 620 programs in Venezuela alone, costing up to $20 million dollars.

9. Blum says, "to understand US foreign policy, one must understand a very basic fact; the US government wants to dominate the world."
10. The United States has spent over $18 million on 'democracy promotion' in Honduras.
Meanwhile, journalists and activists are being brutalized and killed under the U.S. backed government.
11. Other countries the US has intervened in include the Philippines, Haiti, Nicaragua, Ecuador, El Salvador, Kyrgyzstan, and the Palestinian territories.
The USAID has implemented so called democracy promotion initiatives in over 100 countries in the past 25 years.
12. According to Blum: "We have a very clear law on the books prohibiting foreign governments from interfering in our elections of supporting any candidates with money.
"So we do exactly abroad what we prohibit here at home."
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