Hai hai~! And so we will being our new years very shortly in UK, and this year seems to have rushed by. It will be 2010, another new year, and another year for jrock releases.
It has been a year of great joy and sadness.
Many great artists have left us this year, including Jasmine You [Versailles PQ], Masahiko Shimura [Fujifabric], Michael Jackson and many many more. Not only that, but this has been the year for disbandment [click to post]. I blame the recession cutting the fat of the amount jrockers make, and it was also the first time I've heard a band go bankrupt [nightmare's side band, I forget the name].
But many great things have also happened, including Miyavi forming his new label [now being signed to EMI music japan]. ViVid going major, actually, loads of bands have gone major this year.
We have seen many crazy things... From Golden bombers weird antics on the camera to our little thing with gatsuuubiiii. Also our very first secret santa in the blog :D It was quite hard to put together, but in the end I hope everyone had a lot of fun.
I want to thank all the mods here who have helped out so much over the year, RxC, Shugo, Alfy and the odd poster J. You guys are fabulous and made this blog how it is now, because without you, I probably would have given up on posting and deserted this blog ages ago. We might not be the most popular jrock blog, but I know we are one of them. Plus, I had not aim for this site in the first place, so seeing how far its gone, thats pretty damn impressive so give yourselves a well deserved pat on the back. ^__^ heres a picture of one if you're not very flexible.

Anyways! I do hope you have a
very happy new year!
It has been a year of great joy and sadness.

I want to thank all the mods here who have helped out so much over the year, RxC, Shugo, Alfy and the odd poster J. You guys are fabulous and made this blog how it is now, because without you, I probably would have given up on posting and deserted this blog ages ago. We might not be the most popular jrock blog, but I know we are one of them. Plus, I had not aim for this site in the first place, so seeing how far its gone, thats pretty damn impressive so give yourselves a well deserved pat on the back. ^__^ heres a picture of one if you're not very flexible.
New years resolution:
I never really have one, and I don't think I can ever make one and stick to it. But I do hope I continue to work even harder at school and post a lot on this blog! oh oh, I really need to find myself a placement as well! That shall be mine, a job :D! Someone beat me up if i dont do it D:
I never really have one, and I don't think I can ever make one and stick to it. But I do hope I continue to work even harder at school and post a lot on this blog! oh oh, I really need to find myself a placement as well! That shall be mine, a job :D! Someone beat me up if i dont do it D:
What is your new years resolution? :)
Anyways! I do hope you have a
very happy new year!
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