Monday, December 28, 2009

the Gazette : Out of Japan HERESY Membership

Dude, this is new too?
Source Music japan+

【Information】HERESY 03-5300-3158(Mo-Fr 12:00-18:00 (Japanese Standard Time))

【Official Fan Club「HERESY」Membership Information】

People wishing to join the GazettE Official Fan Club, please send a return-envelope including an 80Yen stamp with you real name and address to the following address:


〒168-0064 Tokyo, Suginami-ku,
Eifuku 3-49-11, Maison du Solei 101
PSCOMPANY [HERESY Membership Application]

You will receive an application form to fill out and return.
(Please note that overseas application is possible, yet delivery times may vary.)

Registration fee?

9200 yen which is approximately £63 now in the exchange rate [US $ 101]
This is an annual fee, which means you have to pay every year. Pretty expensive I suppose for us poor folk.

What do you get?
Dude at facebook:
"You get a fan-club only magazines, fan-club only merchandise (wallet, digiphotos, etc), YOU CAN ACCESS RUKI'S AND OTHER MEMBERS BLOG (yes, their blogs is locked for fan-club member only), and if you're staying in japan, you'll get VIP access to the gazette's fan-club only concerts. (either they send you the ticket for free, or you buy the ticket. depends on the concert)"

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