Tuesday, September 1, 2009

MUCC : Yukke and...Mon-Mon?

Source Music Japan+
“When I have time I’m going to call myself by a nickname for a single day…actually, let’s do it now.
Um…how about ‘Mon-Mon’? Okay, let’s go with Mon-Mon (laugh).
For August 27th I’m not yukke. I’m Mon-Mon. Pleasure to meet you!
For this day yukke will become a taboo word.”

We are not exactly sure why he changed his name. Where did ‘Mon-Mon’ come from?
For the whole day all his blog entries started with ‘I’m Mon-Mon.’!
He seemed to have grown really fond of his temporary name. By the end of the day he was tacking ‘Mon-Mon’ on every other sentence!

But as he had said, ‘Mon-Mon’ was a one-day-only nickname. In the evening he commented “When the clock strikes midnight the magic will lose its effect and I’ll once again become ■yukke■. Just like Cinderella!”
For this particular comment he called himself ‘Monderella’.

In all, it was a well thought out endeavor. The MUCC members’ blogs are all very funny!
Check here for some more quirky MUCC blog news!
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Source Music Japan+

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