Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Sadie : Mao has stayed in England before?!

Interesting thing i just found:
Extract from JaME interview with Sadie
Mao went abroad to England for a year. How was the life and what did you learn there?

Mao: Well, it was just normal. I did a homestay and went to school, then I entered a dormitory for students in which we had our rooms and a kitchen that we shared for cooking. I don’t really know the reason why I went there.

You didn’t go there to study English?

Mao: No, I didn’t. I didn’t have motivation to be a student in Japan, so I went there to look for motivation. Then I thought "I’ll quit my school" when I came back to Japan. So it was for my own life experience rather than to study English.
[Read more]

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