Saturday, May 16, 2009

Edoh& Girugamesh May 2009 O2 acad London

this is edoh posting in XiS account. Why? BECAUSE I CAN O_O

Anyways, to the lady who had hair who smelt like herbal essence in front during the gig. Thank you. You made the gig bearable... that makes me sound like a right perv.

and to the girl who had mega long hair. go get a haircut. my sweaty arm kept on catching and pulling on your hair. SWEATY SWEATY ARM HAIR PULL. It probably hurted you abit and I'm sorry for that, but you pissed me off so I don't like you now... xD kidding

And the topless guys... you were fit. As if, you were pricks and I hate your guts you idiots. I hope you hurting that poor girl who fell over made you really happy you morons. Oh, and I really do hope you guys get banned from O2 academy. Pricks.

too tired to vent [dies]

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