From where did the spooks get their inspiration for the Norway Attacks?
Jonathan Kay, at National Post, reminds us that we've heard this Breivik story before in The Turner Diaries.
The Turner Diaries is the name of a novel written in 1978 by an American 'white supremacist' called William Luther Pierce.
Some have suggested that a scene in the novel was the inspiration for the Oklahoma City bombing in 1995 'by Timothy McVeigh'.[5][6]
In The Turner Diaries, Earl Turner makes a car bomb, using fertiliser, and attacks a government building.
He then goes and shoots a lot of innocent people.
Earl Turner tries to set off a race war.
Jonathan Kay (we've heard this Breivik story before) gives us some clues as to the thinking behind the Norway Attacks:
"The changing role of the Jew...
"The Jew traditionally has been the primary target of such extremists...
"With 9/11, that changed: The greatest cultural and military threat now is seen to be militant Islam, with the Jew - and Israel - now instantly cast as a defender of the established Western order.
"To quote something I wrote in my recently published book, Among The Truthers: 'The Jew (is now seen as) the perfect anti-Islamist... a source of respect and trust rather than suspicion.'
"Thus... Breivik... demand(s) that all financial support to the Palestinian Authority should cease immediately..."
Some people, of course, might suspect that 9 11 and the Norway Attacks were designed, in part, to make 'the Jews' look good.
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