On 6 August 2011, a helicopter crashed on a NATO mission in Afghanistan, killing all 38 personnel on board.
The dead included approximately 22 SEALs from the SEAL Team Six, the unit whose members carried out the operation that allegedly killed Osama Bin Laden, "however none of those killed participated in the operation itself."[7]
The Taliban claims it shot down the helicopter containing the SEALS.
The US government admits that a helicopter crashed during the so-called Osama bin Laden raid, but says no one died.
Infowars is on record as reporting that members of Seal Team 6 died in the so called Osama raid.
Infowars predicted that the spin doctors would later stage a crash and say the SEALs died in the staged crash.
No need to stage a crash.
http://canspeccy.blogspot.com/ explains (US Navy SEALs: Two Helicopters) as follows:
"Helicopters go down all the time in Afghanistan. Four Chinooks, and several other types this year already.
"So it would have been simple enough to conceal losses in Pakistan - just add the names to the list of those killed in the latest crash, and return some well charred bodies for burial...
"Who knows, but had the US lost a dozen men in a helicopter crash while infringing Pakistan's sovereignty in a mission having only propaganda value, it would surely have limited the Obama Presidency to a single term, just as the botched Tehran hostages mission, which resulted in the loss of two aircraft and the deaths of eight American servicemen, ended Jimmy Carter's hopes of a second Presidential term."
Did Pakistan forces attack a CIA safe house in Abbottabad?
Was there a fight between US and Pakistan forces?
Did US navy seals die at Abbottabad?
The evidence is confusing.

Mohammad Bashir lives in front of the house in Abbottabad, where Osama bin Laden allegedly lived.
According to a Pakistan news report (Veterans Today):
Mohammad Bashir was on his rooftop when a helicopter arrived over 'Osama's house'.
Men landed from the helicopter.
These men spoke Pashtun (a Pakistani language)
After about 20 minutes, they loaded several people into the helicopter.
More helicopters arrived from different directions but did not land.
The first helicopter exploded above the compound.
There were then dead bodies all over the compound.
Police and soldiers arrived to clear up the bodies.

Why did the helicopter explode?
Were there two opposing military factions in the air?

There is increasing evidence that it was Pakistan forces who 'attacked' the compound in Abbottabad, alleged to be hiding Osama bin Laden.
"Abbotabad is near ... an SSG (Pakistan special forces) base...
"A senior ISI offical told NBC it was Pakistani special force who conducted the operation."
(World's Armed Forces Forum: Senior ISI official confirms ...)
2 May 2011
ABBOTTABAD: Three loud blasts were heard near the Pakistan Military Academy (PMA) Kakul Road late Sunday night and a military helicopter also crashed.
Sources told Geo News that heavy firing was heard in the area before the chopper crashed.
Windowpanes of the nearby buildings and houses were smashed due to the intensity of the blasts, the sources said.
Eyewitnesses said first sound of heavy firing was heard and then there was a huge blast.
Fire erupted at the scene of the occurrence and according to latest reports police and fire brigade teams were rushing towards the blast scene.
Security forces cordoned off the entire area and military helicopters were also hovering over the area."
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