Former child star Corey Feldman says Hollywood's biggest problem is child abuse.
Corey Feldman blames the death of Corey Haim on a pedophile / Corey Feldman Talks Hollywood Pedophiles

Corey Feldman claims that his Lost Boys co-star Corey Haim was the victim of a Hollywood mogul, who abuses children.
Corey Feldman says he was 'literally surrounded' by paedophiles at the age of 14."
Corey Feldman starred in The Goonies (director Richard Donner, producer Steven Spielberg), Stand By Me (Director Rob Reiner, producer Stephen Spielberg).
Corey Feldman says that paedophiles are 'like vultures' in the entertainment industry and the 'casting couch' applies to children.
'There was a circle of older men that surrounded themselves around this group of kids. And they they had power or connections to great power in the industry."
In 2008, on a reality show, Corey Haim said to Corey Feldman: 'You let me get f***** around in my life, raped, when I was about 14 and a half.
'So I'm asking you, what did you do when you saw that s*** going down?'
Corey Feldman replied: 'I was being molested at the same time... what did you do about it?'

If you have watched Derren Brown on TV, you may believe in mind control. (Derren Brown -a )
Child stars such as Michael Jackson, Scotty Beckett, Bobby Driscoll, Judy Garland, River Phoenix and Brad Renfro may all have been victims of mind control? (Brad Renfro and gay child stars / Which celebs are victims of mind control. )
Walt Disney reportedly fell in love with Bobby Driscoll who acted in Treasure Island.
Bobby become a methamphetamine addict at 17 and died relatively young.
Walt Disney reportedly has links to brainwashing. (MIND CONTROL IN THE WHITE HOUSE)
Subjects of certain types of CIA mind control reportedly have to be killed off when they reach a certain age and their memories of being brainwashed start to return.

Many of the key people in the western media and military may have been subjected to mind control? That might explain how 9 11 was organised?
Serguei Serykh and his wife Tatyana and his son Stepan all believed that they were subjected to psychotronic mind-control weapons. (The story of the Red Road tragedy / 911:Trauma mind control - Wikicompany)

Centuries old "occult techniques" of brainwashing involve subjecting infants to torture, in order to cause the mind to shatter into many personalities.
Each personality can be separately programmed - to act as sex slave or assassin or whatever.
The 'handlers' can switch on the personality they want with certain 'triggers'.
In 1921, in London, the Tavistock Institute of Human Relations was set up to study the 'breaking point' of humans. (Project Monarch: Nazi Mind Control by Ron Patton)
In 1932, Kurt Lewin, a German-Jewish psychologist, became the director of the Tavistock Institute.
He studied the use of terror to achieve mind control. (Cached )
In Germany, similar research was being carried out by the Germans.
There were many links between the fascists in Germany and the fascists in Britain.
For example, the Order of the Golden Dawn, a masonic-style secret society which had Aleister Crowley as a member, included German Nazis and British aristocrats. (Project Monarch: Nazi Mind Control by Ron Patton)

The Nazi concentration camps provided an unlimited supply of children and adults for mind control experimentation. (Mind Control-The Ultimate Terror)
After World War II, Dr Joseph Mengele and thousands of other Nazi scientists were moved to the USA as part of Operation Paperclip.
There appears to be a lot of CIA disinformation about CIA brainwashing.
For example, sometimes an internet article that mentions the subject wanders off into talk of aliens and UFOs.
Allegedly, tens of thousands of young American teenage boys were kidnapped and forced into a mind control training program called The Montauk Project starting around 1976. (MK Kids)
Disinformation on the Montauk Project usually involves references to aliens.

"It's not an accident that the frequency band chosen for cell phone use just happens to match the second order waves that Wilhelm Reich discovered in the late1940's to effect thought transmission and allow the mind to be manipulated without the victim realizing it."
"These microwave towers are used in conjunction with HAARP based technology to not only affect subliminal mind control influences, but also to control the weather..." (Mind Control-The Ultimate Terror)

Brice Taylor (aka Susan Ford) an MK Ultra mind controlled victim, wrote Thanks for The Memories (1999). (Brice Taylor (Sue Ford) quotes / Michael Jackson, Brice Taylor and Bob Hope)
Reportedly she was used as a sex slave and drug courier.
"There were times a personality within me was programmed and used to entice and kidnap other children off the street and into a big black car.
"The kidnapped children were initially kept in cages in back rooms and then used in pornography and usually killed, often in snuff films.
"We were all shocked with cattle prods or other electrical devices for lots of different offenses. Pornography was filmed at the Corbin Bowl, with other children, women, men, and animals.
"Perhaps this is where many of the missing children, whose faces we see so often on postal cards or billboards are disappearing to and why they are never found.
"At this young age, I was also locked in a small, darkened room with a bed and sold as a prostitute to large numbers of men in a day.
"The people in charge left ropes, whips, and sex toys for use by the men who paid for sex with me." (Thanks for the Memories by Brice Taylor)
Former child star Brad Renfro died at the age of 25.
Brad Renfro, 25 July 1982 - 15 January 2008, starred in The Client 1994, Tom and Huck 1995, and The Cure 1995.
Brad renfro was aged 11 when he appeared in The Client, a film based on the bestselling John Grisham novel, and one of the top-grossing films of 1994.
Child stars have a difficult life.
An article entitled ‘Hollywood Corruption, Child Abuse, & Gay Genocide’ 10 June 2005, refers to the large number of a suicides involving child stars and former child stars. (http://www.universalway.org/Trevor/paulpetersen.html)
The article suggests that some of the dead stars were gay or bisexual and that sexuality may have played a part in some of the deaths.
The writer praises Rupert Everett, Chad Allen, and Ellen DeGeneres for allowing the public to know that they are homosexual.
Danny Pintauro, who played Judith Light's son Jonathan Bower on Who's the Boss (1984-92), outed himself in the National Enquirer.
Reportedly, the large number of child stars that are gay or bisexual have to go to great lengths to pretend otherwise.

A "Beard" is the female companion that a gay male star uses to disguise his sexuality.
Allegedly, examples of beards have been:
1. Leo DiCaprio's Giselle Bundchen
2. Ben Affleck's J.Lo.
Hollywood agents and publicists often hand stories to reporters about invented relationships between gay celebrities and females.
Gay or bisexual stars have been known to pick up prostitutes so as to spread the rumour that they are 'normal'.
Ellen DeGeneres came out as a lesbian and joined the Human Rights Campaign (HRC ). Reportedly, the rate of gay teen suicide declined, at least temporarily, as a result.
John W. Cones, in WHAT'S REALLY GOING ON IN HOLLYWOOD, told us that:
1. In 1964 former child star Alan Ladd, star of Shane, died of an overdoes of sedatives and alcohol. Months earlier he nearly killed himself with an 'accidental' self-inflicted gunshot wound.
2. In 1968 child actor Scotty Beckett's death was listed as a probable suicide from sleeping pills .
3. In 1965, the body of former child star Bobby Driscoll was found in the rubble of an abandoned tenement. He had been a drug addict. He was buried in a pauper's grave.
4. In 1969, former child star Judy Garland took her own life in a locked London bathroom.
5. In 1982, child actor Trent Lehman committed suicide.
6. In 1993, former child actor River Phoenix died in mysterious circumstances.
Former child actor Roddy McDowall (1928-1998) was gay, but he managed to survive. http://www.glbtq.com/arts/mcdowall_r.html
In Memoriam - Christopher Pettiet

Chad Allen, born in California in 1974, was the clasic child actor.
At the age of four, he appeared in a McDonald's commercial.
As a child he starred in the drama series St. Elsewhere.
He became a teen idol.
He said: "I was in teen magazines all the time and in reality, what was I?
"A 13-year-old who's as fucked up as every other 13-year-old across the country."
Chad Allen made the transition from child star to adult actor.
In 1996 the Globe tabloid published a photo of Chad kissing a young male at a pool party.
He began to receive messages from young gay people.
In 2001, Chad made it clear that he was indeed gay.
He worked with Olympic champion Greg Louganis to draw attention to the problems faced by gay youth.
In October 2008, AfterElton.com noted that Chad's boyfriend was actor Jeremy Glazer.[17]
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