Andrew Breitbart was raised Jewish
His adoptive mother had converted to Judaism when marrying his adoptive father.[5][6]
Breitbart has launched a number of websites, including BigPeace.com.[25]
BigPeace looks like Mossad-CIA propaganda and disinformation.
A key writer at BigPeace is Frank Gaffney, of the Centre for Security Policy in the US.
At BigPeace we read some strange stuff about Anders Breivik being linked to Belarus and Russia.
(Breivik, The Belarus-Russian-Chechen Connection, And The CIA)
"In an allegation attributed to Belarusian opposition figure Mikhail Reshetnikov, Anders Breivik underwent paramilitary training in a camp organized by retired KGB colonel Valery Lunev."
Allegedly Breivik, or his double, "underwent the militant-terrorist training under the guidance of 51-year-old Valery Lunev, a former colonel of Belarusian special forces, who now lives in Netherlands but regularly visits Belarus."
(We should note that the CIA-Mossad is trying to undermine Belarus)
According to Wikileaks, the CIA and its friends "had put an unusually large presence into Oslo in the last ten years..."
BigPeace summarizes as follows:
"Breivik had reported connections to at least two Russians associated with Russian intelligence services, Valery Lunev and Viacheslav Valerievich Datsik.
"Both of these Russian operatives were involved in some way with the Islamist Chechen movement, and both were involved in highly public incidents involving a successful assassination by Chechens (Lunev’s colleague’s brother killed in Dubai) and a failed assassination attempted against a Chechen leader (Datsik in Oslo)."

BigPeace continues:
"Lunev had reportedly converted to Islam after marrying a relative of the former president of Chechen Republic, Dzhokhar Dudayev.
"The CIA (including other US intelligence agencies perhaps), Norwegian intelligence services and a matched set of 24 British intelligence officers were quite active in Norway during the same years that Breivik was operating, and during which these highly publicized Russian-Chechen incidents occurred.
"Surely the Russian angle on this bears further inquiry, especially with that interesting involvement of the Dubai and Russian relationship. Also worth exploring: if Breivik did get involved with the Belarus operative as is being reported from multiple sources. And then there’s all the Chechen activity."
Sounds like disinformation.
There may be a Norwegian connection to Lunev and other shadowy figures.
But it should be made clear that 'FarWest LLC' has ties to powerful people in Washington.
According to Left Russia -left.ru (Global Drug Trade And 9-11), an international alliance of secret services have reportedly been engaged in subversive activities under the cover of Far West LLC.
"The alliance includes the secret services of the USA and UK... Saudi Arabia... Turkey... Ukraine... Lithuania...
"Their senior partners are said to be the defense minister Robert Gates, his close associate Fritz Ermarth ... Sir Roderic Braithwaithe... and Prince Faisal al Turki, former head of the General Intelligence Service of Saudi Arabia..."
Breitbart is on the advisory board of GOProud, an organization of gay Republicans.
He is a fan of Tea Party rallies, where he has sometimes introduced Sarah Palin.
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