After a long week of polling, we have tallied everything up for a mid-poll update! There are some predictions out there already as to who's in the top spots. Without going into numbers, we can say this - from #2 down, fans have some catching up to do if your band is going to try toppling Dir en grey's solid foothold of the #1 spot! Right behind them is the GazettE and just after GACKT who's got L'Arc~en~Ciel poised to overtake his position! The #5 slot has changed hands over the last few days, yet claiming it as theirs for now is Versailles ~Philharmonic Quintent~. The list of 1-5 is as follows:
1. Dir en Grey
2. The GazettE
3. Gackt
4. L'Arc~en~Ciel
5. Versailles ~Philharmonic Quintet~
BUCK-TICK, Alice Nine, and LM.C are among the many others following closely behind, and some Jrock artists/bands some might have expected to climb high in the polls have fallen short. If you want to see YOUR favorites at the top of list, be sure to keep the votes coming!
Let's take a look at the other 25 in the top 30. These appear in random order and not ranked with many artists and bands jostling each other with point spreads as little as one.
Abingdon Boys School
Alice Nine
An Café
Plastic Tree
Asian Kung Fu Generation
Malice Mizer
Don't see your artist on the top 30? Spread the word and keep those votes coming in! You only have another week to let your voices heard. We're counting on the whole Jrock community to let Harmonix and Rock Band know who you want to be in Rock Band!
Keep watching for more news! The poll closes down on Friday, April 9th at 4am EST / 1am PST. Don't wait to the last minute or that one vote needed to push a band up might be lost!
Once the initial poll has finished stay tuned as the second poll will begin shortly after to narrow down the Top 20 into the Top 10!
Link: Check out the Rock Band Poll now!
Link: What? These are odd results...
Poll Result Gatherer Commentary
Day one saw a definite favorite among two particular bands. In the following few days, numbers rose quickly for many and others were knocked from their positions only to make a comeback hours later. With the race that close, it was interesting watching the development of the top twenty bands. Throughout all this, a few observations could be made.
Dir en grey fans - when you want to represent en masse, you never cease to amaze. Clearly, this is the band to beat, but will other fans be able to play catch up now that they know you're in the lead?
the GazettE fans - clearly surprised when they didn't dominate as quickly as I thought they would! Though when those numbers increased, that rise was very impressive!
GACKT - ...when did GACKT fans raid the poll! From a position in the top 20 to the top 5 in only a few days - my hats off to GACKT fans for being able to rally so quickly - and share votes with other bands. If Vanilla is ever in Rock Band, I want to see videos of fans playing it!
A certain Samurai Guitarist - Probably the biggest surprise for me is MIYAVI's position in the poll. His neighbor to the north is none other than D'espairsRay who hasn't let him overtake them thus far. BUCK-TICK made a small comeback and is vying with a couple of other bands for positions in the top ten. An Café! Managed to drop significantly as the days wore on, though they've managed to remain in the top 20.
Overall, this has been a close race and the support fans have shown for their favorite artists have been phenomenal. Bands such as LUNA SEA, LOUDNESS, The Blue Hearts and more have seen the love. Thank you for your participation in this momentous occasion! One more week to go and it's not too late to let your friends know - VOTE NOW!
Link: Check out the Rock Band Poll now!
Link: What? These are odd results...
Article Contributions: Kizu, Jess & Ali W.
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