Credits: Community J-Rock Visual Kei news.
The video for 激し さ と, この 胸 の 中 で 絡み付いた 灼熱 の 闇 reached third on their first day of sales on the iTunes Store. In front of the band were "We Are the World 25 for Haiti" and second "We Are the World". The DIR EN GREY has artists like Lady Gaga and Gorillaz to reach the podium.
Despite the success of the German writer of the guys do not see the PV with good eyes, "Because the video is very extreme, probably will not be distributed in Germany." Recalling that the video of the German Rammstein's Pussy containing explicit scenes of sex, where a woman incluisive introduces a banana into her vagina and ran into problems last year. This attitude of the Germans is reverberating throughout the world and the PV of the guys from DIR EN GREY is being pushed aside by the television media.
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