Sunday, February 14, 2010

DªªVIS goes on hiatus.

DªªVIS is not a band, I'm one of the crew..
So.. maybe some of you noticed that i haven't posted anything for a very long time and that I've started saying bad things at people, bad things about bands e.t.c., which isn't me at all
It's because of heavy problems and stress situations in my personal life. As a result of the things mentioned before, depression has started to develop, and the last thing i want is for other people to feel bad around me, so I've found a solution. (~-~;)ヾ(-_-;) As of now, I'm going to have a complete halt of activities [hiatus], until I get better, so I won't be here for some time.. [1-4weeks] (´~`) . . .
I know many of you will feel better with me away , but I hope, that I'll come back. . .TT^TT

This picture might shock you, and probably will disgust many people, but that's how i looked 2 hours ago O___o

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