Saturday, January 2, 2010

the GazettE : Aoi posts on his blog even when late =_=

Source Musicjapan+
the GazettE manager Sakai needing help??!

Just the other day...

Sakai:"Isn't Aoi-kun coming??"

Sakai:"ring ring ring ring"(Phone Ringing)

Aoi:"Good Morning"

Sakai:"What!!It's past meeting time, isn't it???"

Aoi:"I'm a little late. I'm sorry!"

Sakai:"We're waiting! Take care and come here, would you!"

Aoi arrived with much delay!However, when Manager-san read his blog...

"Aoi-kun!!! Why did he bother writing his blog, when he was late anyway??? I told him to hurry! That's nice for the fans, but please everyone, write him Maisl about how he needs to be on time, please!!"

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