Friday, August 21, 2009

FACT: Response To The Horrible Review

For those who couldn't see it and wanted to, here's my response to this horrible review on NME. I added spaces that were taken away for some reason.

Aug 21, 2009

"This is one of the most retarded reviews I've ever read. I seriously cannot comprehend how you managed to get a job doing reviews for NME.

I'm personally a big fan of FACT but i respect everyone has their own opinion and musical taste, however, this is a complete and utter insult to fans of FACT and the band itself. I wouldn't be so angered with you if you had managed to successfully describe in musical terms the faults of this album, instead of this moronic rant in which you state how bad it is as a matter of fact when it is clearly only your personal taste.

Readers, please don't be put off by this idiotic review, FACT are a brilliant band with a very bright future ahead.

On a last note, anyone with half an ounce of talent for reviewing, or knowledge of the English language, would be able to describe why they disliked the album without having to swear so much, i suggest you pick up a dictionary."

If you're a fan of FACT i highly suggest you go and reply to the review aswell.

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