Friday, August 21, 2009

edoh& how does your desk look like?

I've seen alot of these posts on different sites before, but I now wonder what your desks look like! =O is it crawling with the modern technologies or something like a propped up ironing board with a laptop on a lego block for cooling?

Mine isnt very exciting...
I left most for my figurines at homehome as well :( and the speakers are still exactly the same xD...

heres my cookie phone stuck full of stickers o_o;

Now show me your desk =O!
I wanna see~ ['cos I'm nosey xD; and lonely]

~TarePanda Adventures~'s room =O

(sry I've only got a camera phone >_<)
my desk:

usually move to my bed when I'm doing something, so there's just crap on it XD
I've got a painting of Gackt i did, then on the other side of the desk I have a stack of mags, gothic lolita bibles, and a Dir en Grey CD.
Other thne that there's some old artbooks, paper, filled school notebooks, and... other things that I've just shoved back there XD
*yea I'm clean*

But the coolness is around my desk. I call it my PSC wall :O

now I have to draw some other PSC bands, so I can have a complete PSC wall! D:
and... Miyavi can stay there because he's cool. *ehem*

edoh: XD I just have the single GazettE poster and shou from alice nine in my room. =D

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