Friday, May 27, 2011

Timaya Now UN Ambassador!

In apparent recognition of his propagation of peace in the restive Niger Delta, consistent hit maker, Enetimi Odom popularly known as Timaya, has been appointed a Peace Ambassador by the Inter-religious and International Federation for World Peace (IIFWP), a department of the United Nations.


According to Dr. Hak Ja Haan Moon, co-founder of IIFWP, Timaya was especially chosen for this honour because he is "one of those individuals whose lives exemplify the ideal of living for the sake of others and who dedicate themselves to practices which promote the founding ideals of IIFWP."

Also, the Peace Ambassadorship comes with a special number plate for the singer.

Reacting to the honour, Timaya said, "I am happy. Honestly, I am. This goes to show that the ideals I am using the instrumentality of my music to preach are not in vain. I have said it in my music and at different fora that Nigeria can only progress when the Federal Government pays more than lip service to the agitation of the people of the Niger Delta. It is even a good thing that the President is from that region, which means that things will surely get better. I thank those who deemed it expedient to make me a Peace Ambassador and promise not to relent in this struggle."

Moon said further that the new Ambassador for Peace, like others from all over the world, is expected to contribute to the fulfilment of the hope of all people, world peace, wherein the spiritual and material dimensions of life are harmonised.

Thus, Timaya joins a short list of highly rated celebrities including D'banj, Ini Edo and Ramsey Noah, who are also UN Ambassadors.


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