Amal Ahmed Abdul Fatah is reported to be Bin Laden's fifth and final wife.
Amal is also known as Amal Ahmed al-Sadah and reportedly she is aged 24 or 29.
In 2002, Amal reportedly gave an interview to a Saudi woman's magazine, al-Majalla. (the children.)
Reportedly, some time after 9 11, Amal was able to travel from Yemen to Pakistan to join 'Osama bin Laden'. (Osama bin Laden's Wife Amal: A Source of al-Qaeda Info? - TIME)
Allegedly Amal was in the compound in Abbottabad in May 20011.Allegedly, a passport in the Abbottabad compound identified Amal.
A White House spokesman told reporters that Amal died while being used as a human shield in the compound in Abbottabad. (bin Laden wife.)
Allegedly Amal and her daughter, and two other bin Laden wives, have been taken by the Pakistan security services to a military hospital in Rawalpindi. ('the children.)
The story about Amal sounds false.
1. How might Amal have been able to travel to Pakistan?
2. Why are there no current photos of Amal?
3. Why has the USA not got possession of Amal?

Both the CIA and Pakistan spy service ISI would appear to know all about al Qaeda (al CIAda) activity in Abbottabad.
Former Pakistan President Pervez Musharraf wrote in his memoirs that al CIAda's Abu al-Libi used three houses in Abbottabad. (Pakistan.)
An ISI official told the BBC (BBC News - Bin Laden failures) that the compound in Abbottabad was raided when under construction in 2003.
It was believed al-Qaeda operative, Abu al-Libi, was there.

1 May 2011: "According to eyewitnesses, a low-flying helicopter crashed in a populated area near the Pakistan Military Academy (PMA); as a result, a man was killed and two others were injured. The injured have been shifted to the Combined Military Hospital. Two houses caught fire in the incident. Rescue teams reached the scene and started the relief work." Pakistan Army Aviation Helicopter Crashes Near Abbottabad ... Was more than one helicopter brought down?
SO, what about the raid on Abbottabad on 1 May 2011?
According to The Telegraph's Peter Oborne in Islamabad (Pakistan: a proud nation in utter denial):
"The Americans say that the four US helicopters set off from the Afghan town of Jellalabad before entering Pakistani airspace.
"They flew for a full seven minutes before reaching Abbottabad, the military town where Bin Laden was hiding. The helicopters stayed in Abbottabad for 45 minutes while the operation was carried out, before flying back to Afghanistan with the dead body of bin Laden.
"This account assumes a level of incompetence from the Pakistan which local security experts tell me is simply not credible.
"Even if the helicopters had evaded Pakistan’s expensive early warning radar systems – itself highly unlikely – they say that there is no way they could have remained unnoticed for 45 minutes in one of Pakistan’s premier garrison towns.
"Furthermore, even trying to avoid detection would be highly dangerous in case Pakistani fighter planes shot down the US helicopters..."
Did the Pakistan authorities know what was going on?
"It was suggested to me that trusted individuals within the Pakistani defence and security establishment – and certainly the Pakistan chief of staff, General Kayani – were informed through discrete channels, most probably when General David Petraeus paid a surprise visit to Islamabad last week."
There are various theories.
1. The attack on Abbottabad was carried out by Pakistan forces, working for the CIA.
2. The attack on Abbottabad was carried out by Pakistan forces, against the wishes of the CIA.
And the US forces arrived after the attack was over.
Who has possession of the captives?
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