There is increasing evidence that it was Pakistan forces who 'attacked' the compound in Abbottabad, alleged to be hiding Osama bin Laden.
1. According to a comment at a forum:
"Abbotabad is near ... an SSG (Pakistan special forces) base...
"A senior ISI offical told NBC it was Pakistani special force who conducted the operation."
(World's Armed Forces Forum: Senior ISI official confirms ...)

2. "The choppers which participated in the raid were very noisy, to the point of irritating some of the Tweeters.
"One of the Tweeters says: : 'It was too noisy to be a spy craft, or, a very poor spy craft it was.'
"He again says: 'I started noticing the helicpoter when the noise got irritating'.
"If the helicopters were so noisy, how is it the local security people including those in the local police stations and in the Military Academy did not hear the noise and try to make enquiries about the source of the noise?
"There are also references in the Tweets to a black-out in the town, roads being blocked, telephones going dead and sirens being sounded...
"A taxi-driver has been quoted as saying as follows: 'The army has cordoned off the crash area and is conducting door-to-door search in the surrounding.'
"A sweeper has been quoted as saying as follows: 'A family also died in the crash, and one of the helicopter riders got away and is now being searched for.'
(Sri Lanka Guardian: ABBOTTABAD RAID: A reconstruction through Tweets)
3. 2 May 2011
ABBOTTABAD: Three loud blasts were heard near the Pakistan Military Academy (PMA) Kakul Road late Sunday night and a military helicopter also crashed.
Sources told Geo News that heavy firing was heard in the area before the chopper crashed.
Windowpanes of the nearby buildings and houses were smashed due to the intensity of the blasts, the sources said.
Eyewitnesses said first sound of heavy firing was heard and then there was a huge blast.
Fire erupted at the scene of the occurrence and according to latest reports police and fire brigade teams were rushing towards the blast scene.
Security forces cordoned off the entire area and military helicopters were also hovering over the area."

4. "A number of local residents have confirmed to the BBC that they were visited by Pakistani army personnel two hours before the attack commenced, ordering them to switch off the lights inside and outside their homes and instructing them to stay indoors until they were informed it was safe to come out."
(Pakistan Military Knew About Bin Laden Raid Well In Advance Of ...) (Cached)
A Pakistani drug addict smokes heroin in Abbottabad on the eve of International anti Narcotics Day. PHOTO by Sultan Dogar www.flickr.com/photos/sultandogar / Abbottabad Press Club
5. On 4 May 2011, The UK Daily Telegraph's Peter Oborne has an excellent report on what happened at Abbottabad. (The mysterious Khan family.)
Peter Oborne reports:
Mohammed Qasim is a farmer’s boy who lives right next to the compound in Abbottabad.
A special forces helicopter landed in the field just behind his house.
Masked men emerged.
Mohammed Qasim said they spoke fluent Pashtu, a language of Pakistan.
He heard them 'smash their way into' the compound.
Twenty minutes later, he heard the helicopters depart with their captives.
Mohammed Qasim's father was seized by soldiers during the raid.
Peter Osborne could see "practically no signs of a fight" when he arrived at the Khan’s family house.
"No bullet marks punctured the walls."

6. Former Pakistan President Pervez Musharraf's 2004 autobiography talks about an Al Qaeda (CIA) safe house in Abbottabad. (Musharraf knew of Abbottabad safe house?)
An ISI official told the BBC the compound in Abbottabad where Bin Laden was allegedly killed had been raided in 2003. (Bunny Laden.)
Pakistan’s spy service (ISI) had been sharing information about the Abbottabad compound with the CIA since 2009 and had continued to do so until mid-April. ( Pakistan 'shared information about compound ...)

7. According to Pakistani Urdu TV channel Geo News (killed in Abbotabad near Islamabad of Pakistan):
Pakistani intelligence officials said that a Pakistani army helicopter was shot down in Abbottabad and then a search operation was launched by Pakistani forces.
At about 1:20 a.m. local time a Pakistani helicopter was shot down by unknown people in the Sikandarabad area of Abbottabad.
The Pakistani forces launched a search operation in the nearby area and encountered a group of unknown armed people.
An exchange of fire followed between the two sides.
When the exchange of fire ended, the Pakistani forces arrested some Arab women and children as well some other armed people.
Two U.S. helicopters flew to the site and carried away a dead body
Initial reports said that at least one was killed and two others were injured in the crash.
At least two houses were engulfed by the huge fire caused by the crashed chopper.
"The CIA's Larry Mitchell met Osama in an American hospital in 2001"
8. "U.S. officials have said that Pakistani officials were not told about the early morning helicopter raid until the strike team had killed Bin Laden and had returned to Afghanistan from where they took off, citing security reasons.
"Many Pakistanis were surprised at how this was possible, especially when initial reports stated that the choppers took off from a Pakistani air base." (Bunny Laden.)
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